Try These Mindfulness Spells to Create Head Space

Mindfulness Spells

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Worried? Anxious? Can’t focus? Feel rushed? We’ve all been there. Now more than ever do we need some mental space. We need peace and quiet in our minds. Have you ever thought about mindfulness spells to create some headspace?

There has been no better time than right now to try mindfulness spells. Whatever is going on in your life, and even if you can get physical distance, you can always create mental distance for yourself!

Outlined here are several mindfulness spells that you can try for yourself.

The first one is a basic spell, that aims for mental awareness. Try that first. Then, try the others described which take the basic spell and make a modification. The main objective of all of this is that you are able to sit quietly and comfortably in whatever space you find yourself in.

When you perform the mindfulness spells and do the meditations, you may find yourself getting frustrated about things that you can’t control. If you find yourself uncomfortably anxiousOpens in a new tab.

The whole point for mindfulnessOpens in a new tab.

An Example Mindfulness Spell

Create mental awareness with this example mindfulness spell.

This is a straightforward and simple spell. If you don’t know what to do first, start with this spell. To find balance in other areas of your life, continue reading this article to discover different add-ons and variations you can try with this basic spell.

This spell will take approximately 20 minutes, although you can extend if need be. Use a few minutes for cleansing and casting your circle, and then meditation will be the bulk of your spell time.

1. Prepare Your Space

Create a safe place in which to meditate and cast your spell. Find a quiet area or room off by yourself. Let loved ones know that you will be unavailable. Tuck the pets away, and switch off your phone. Set up a place for yourself to sit comfortably.

2. Cleanse Your Space

Cleanse any way you like. This can be through smudging, a bowl of water, salt, incense, crystals, or with sound. 

3. Cast Your Circle

Prepare a protective space for yourself as you meditate and begin the spell.

4. State Your Intention

State the following intention:

For the duration of this spell, I ask to gain mental awareness. I ask for my thoughts to come and go, and to not attach to any one thought.

5. Close Your Eyes

Allow yourself to settle in. Set a timer if you need to.

Rest your eyes and let your body settle into itself. After your breathing slows, keep a mindful state. Let thoughts pass but don’t attach to them. Just let your thoughts ebb and flow.

6. Allow Thoughts to Drift By

Keep your intention in your mind. Let thoughts come and go. You are a sentient being, so having thoughts is entirely natural. Don’t try to stop them or quiet them. They are what they are. Notice them, and move on.

7. Reinforce Your Intention

Every few minutes, restate your intention, either silently in your mind, or out loud.

8. End The Spell

Draw your meditative state to a close. This can be when your timer goes off if you’ve set one, or it can just be when you feel like you’re done with the spell. Take a few minutes to relax and absorb the effects of the meditation.

Pull up a positive emotion to finish with, like gratitude, love, or compassion.

9. Close Your Circle

Close your circle and extinguish any candles you’ve lit.

A Mindfulness Spell for Body Awareness

To add on to the first spell, add some body awareness to your meditation. We will do the following:

For our intention in Step 4, state the following instead:

For the duration of this spell, I ask to gain physical awareness. I ask to become aware of my body sensations, and to learn what they tell me. I ask for wisdom into the subtleties of my physical body.

For the meditation in Step 6, focus on your body sensations. Go through your body parts one by one. Toes, feet, ankles, calves, knees, quads, hips, groin, posterior, lower back, abdomen, upper back, chest, shoulders, biceps, elbows, forearms, wrists, palms, fingers, neck, jaw, ears, face, and finally, the top of your head. As you scan your body from head to toe, notice what physical sensations you feel. We are not accustomed to paying attention to our bodies, so use the following list for some ideas of sensations you might feel.

  • Tight
  • Tense
  • Warm
  • Cool
  • Pressure
  • Lightness
  • Shaky
  • Tender
  • Pounding
  • Bubbly
  • Prickly
  • Itchy
  • Blocked
  • Thick
  • Empty
  • Sweaty
  • Smooth
  • Airy
  • Relaxed

A Mindfulness Spell for Environmental Awareness

To add on to the first spell, add some body awareness to your meditation. We will do the following:

For our intention in Step 4, state the following instead:

For the duration of this spell, I ask to gain environmental awareness. I ask to become aware of what's going on around me, and to learn about my environment. I ask to understand my place in this space

For the meditation in Step 6, focus on what’s going on in your environment. It sounds contradictory, right? Aren’t you supposed to ignore what’s going on around you while meditating? Shouldn’t I be tuning it out?

Actually, you can do exactly the same thing we did in the basic spell with our thoughts. Instead of noticing our thoughts and letting them drift by peacefully, we will do the same with things in our environment.

Try to use your five senses. You can even keep your eyes open for this spell, so that you can see things in the physical space. In this case, it often works well to have a simple object to focus on for most of the meditation.

You can pick a reference point on the floor, or light a candle and watch the flame. Keep your gaze soft and low. You’re looking for basic shapes, not detail. (Hint: Think about how your eyes might feel if you are sleepy and just about to fall asleep. This is the sort of eye position we’re going for.)

Here are some examples:

  • Sight: What do you notice in the room that is moving? A candle flame? Leaves outside your window? Something blowing in front of an air duct?
  • Sight: What shapes do you notice in the room? Large shapes, small shapes? Are they round, square, or something else?
  • Sight: What colors can you perceive? Anything bright which gets your attention? Or are they more muted?
  • Sound: What sounds can you hear in the room? A clock ticking? Air conditioner or furnace running? Children outside playing?
  • Sound: Listen to yourself breathing. What do you notice?
  • Taste: Do you have any lingering tastes in your mouth? Your morning cup of coffee? A spicy meal? A sweet dessert?
  • Taste: Open your mouth and see if any tastes come through the air? Perhaps you smell something and it triggers a taste memory.
  • Touch: How does the surface you are resting on feel? Is it hard or soft? Do you feel supported?
  • Touch: What are your hands next to? Feel the carpet, floor, or chair. How do you perceive it?
  • Smell: What can you smell in the room? Any noticeable scents?
  • Smell: Can you smell the lingering scent of any incense or sage in the room?

Luna Clarke

Luna Clarke is a leading contributor to and is known for her open-minded and thorough interpretation of all things Wiccan and magickal. In her free time, Luna loves to worship her cat while he ignores her. She also has some great books for beginners, like her Guided Wicca Workbook: Wiccan Starter Series (click to view)

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