The Simple Witch Meditation You Need In Your Life

Simple Witch Meditation

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Your mind is your most powerful tool. Although we can get lost in books about herbsOpens in a new tab.

So as a witch, don’t overlook the importance of your own humble mind. That’s where a simple witch meditation comes in handy.

This simple meditation is easy to do and can fit any time frame. Whether you only have a few minutes, or you have an hour, you can complete this meditation within that time.

It’s also extremely easy to do. When beginning meditation, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It’s also easy to create lots of expectations and feel frustrated when we don’t meet those expectations. So it’s essential to have a very basic, very simple meditation as our spiritual base.

Further, meditation is a practice, it’s a craft. Just like magick is a craft that requires practice, dedication, and patience. The daily act of meditating is valuable in itself.

Why is Meditation Magickal?

What is magick at its essence? Magick is not so much about us shaping the world around us.  It is about harnessing our own inner energies and aligning them with the universe. It’s about our own inner changeOpens in a new tab.

Further, meditation is a magickal act on its own. Meditation is about altering our state of consciousness. It increases our sensitivity to forces and energies in the universe. It’s creating a sacred space inside ourselves that is separate and independent from our altar.

Here are some ways in which meditation is magickal:

  • Get in touch with your intuition.
  • Find solutions to your problems.
  • Feel a higher state of awareness, both internal and external.
  • Become intimate with your inner planes.
  • Look inside of yourself.
  • Connect with deities.
  • Find your healing powers.
  • Understand your hopes, dreams, and fears.
  • Feel the connection between your thoughts, body, and emotions.
  • Increase your self-awareness.
  • Focus your magickal work.
  • Quiet your mind.
  • Realize the magickal work you need to balance yourself.
  • Access past and future lives.
  • Bring past memories to life.
  • Recognize the divine in all beings.

Types of Meditation

There are many different forms of meditation, and each one can be better suited to different types of self-growth and magickal work. Some of the more common forms are:

Passive Meditation

Passive meditation is allowing the mind and body to relax. It can be concentrating on breathing, focusing on a specific image, or chanting a particular mantra to empty your mind. It’s letting your mind be passive, and allowing thoughts to drift in and out but not latching on to any of them.


Grounding is meditating to connect with the Earth and center yourself. It allows you and your energies to get in tune with the Earth’s.

Positive Visualization

This is a type of meditation where you visualize things to bring a sense of well-being and happiness. Oftentimes it’s a visualization of light passing through your body, purifying you and filling you with joy.

Directed Visualization

This type of meditation is focused on a specific goal or outcome. It can allow you to focus energies on a specific spell or manifestation you wish to achieve. Directed visualization is creating a specific image or story in your mind to bring your magickal intention to vivid life in your mind. It allows you to create a mental picture of the results in your mind and to envision the outcome occurring in your life.

You can tailor the images, colors, sounds, smells, and places in your visualization to fit your intention exactly. It will strengthen and focus your spellwork.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is listening to a set of guided instruction or visualizations to do the meditation. These are particularly helpful with directed visualization. You can actually take your directed visualization and createOpens in a new tab.

Astral projection

Astral projection is a very spiritual experience that many liken to an “out of body” experience. This is a trance-like state when the astral body, or soul, leaves the physical body and can travel to new consciousness on the astral plane.

When to Meditate

The answer is anytime that fits into your schedule. Here are a few ideas:

  • Meditate first thing in the morning, before your day gets going and you have calm before the storm.
  • Meditate over your lunch break. This can be especially helpful if you have a stressful job or are unhappy at your job.
  • Meditate as soon as you arrive at home for the day. This can be a powerful work-to-home transition ritual.
  • Meditate just before bedtime. Many witches who like to do dreamwork or are exploring their subconscious find that this time works well.

How Often to Meditate

Consistency is the key to meditation. Try to meditate once a day if you can. Even if you have only a few minutes to spare, you will feel so much better after a quick meditation. 

If you’re daring, try meditating twice or three times a day! You can adapt the meditation described here to fit your schedule. For example, you could do a lengthy meditation in the morning before your day starts. Then do one or two quick meditations (5-10 minutes) during your day as a quick refresh.

Where to Meditate

You can meditate anywhere that is safe, calm, and quiet. Many witches like to keep a small meditation space for themselves, as a dedicated space for meditation. This can be a separate room, a corner of an existing room, etc. Common meditation places are at your altar, in a corner of your bedroom, or in a corner of your living room.

If you are meditating in your home, and there are other people present, you’ll want to make sure it’s a space where you can retreat from everyone else and close the door if possible. Make sure your environment is comfortable and reassuring to you.

Additionally, you can meditate outside as well. The same conditions apply for indoor meditation spaces– find a reasonably quiet and private space. Your own backyard works well, as does a small corner in a public park. I like to find a small space between two trees or bushes so it feels a bit private and it is away from kids and pets.

A Simple Witch Meditation

1. Prep Your Space

Whether you have a dedicated space or not, make sure that space is private and quiet. Bring in anything you may need like pillows, blankets, or candles. Tidy the room up a bit so it feels open and inviting. Tell others at home to not disturb you. Put your phone on silent, or leave it out of the room entirely. Adjust lighting to your taste, for example lowering the blinds a bit, or perhaps opening them to draw in the sunshine. A quiet, calm, and lit space (but not too bright) is best.

2. Prep Your Body

To prepare your body for meditation, it’s best to not be in a state of physical want. Meaning, if you are hungry, have a small snack. If you are thirsty, have a drink of water. You do not want your body to remind you of hunger or thirst throughout your meditation.

3. Create a Sacred Atmosphere

Set the mood for your meditation. There are many ways you can do this. Light a candle and place your hands over the flames to feel the warmth. Recite a short prayer for guidance. State your intention for the meditation out loud. Light some incense and connect with the fragrance.

4. Get Comfortable

Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing. You may want to change into light and comfortable clothing (avoid anything tight or restricting.) Some prefer to meditate wearing nothing at all as it is our natural state.

Find a comfortable position as well. There is no right or wrong position, but you’ll want to find one that allows you to be both relaxed and alert at the same time. Some people meditate by lying down, while others feel that position doesn’t allow them to be alert. An easy starting position is to sit with crossed legs on the floor, or to sit in a chair. You can also stand or walk if you like to do those types of meditations. Whatever position you choose, make sure that you do not fall asleep, and that you do not become uncomfortable after several minutes in that position.

5. Focus on Breath

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Allow your breathing to slow for a few minutes. Then, focus your mind on your breath in, hold….. Then your breath out. And repeat…. And out. Keep your focus on inhalations and exhalations for a few minutes. This allows your body systems to calm like breath rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.

6. Relax Your Body

Next turn your attention toward your body. Focus first on your feet. What do you feel? Tightness, tension, pain? Focus your mind on letting your feet relax. If it helps, you can first tense up your feet, hold for a few seconds, then release. After you’ve calmed your feet, move up to your legs, abdomen, arms, shoulders, and so on until you reach the top of your head. Allow as much time for this as you need. Do not feel rushed.

7. Sit In Silence

Now sit for as long as you are comfortable in silence. When you first start out, it’s ok to just sit a minute or two. This is new for you. As you become more comfortable meditating, you will be able to sit for longer periods. Meditation should be comfortable and relaxing, so do it only as long as you feel this way. Try not to overwhelm yourself with any expectations about how the session will go. Aim for mindfulness, not a silent mind.

8. Observe Thoughts

As you sit, thoughts will come and go and this is ok. Acknowledge them, and let them keep moving. Try not to “attach” to the thoughts, which means to get drawn into them. Try also not to judge your thoughts, or judge yourself for having the thoughts. Thinking is part of the natural human state and there is no way to stop it. All we can do ourselves is choose whether or not to focus on the thoughts.

Although you want to keep your meditation as passive as possible, I like to keep a small pad of paper or a notebook nearby. Sometimes new ideas or useful thoughts surface, and I want to remember them. Having a quick way to jot them down allows you to remember them but also quickly return to your meditation.

9. Draw the Session to a Close

When you’re ready to end the session, sit for a moment with eyes closed and acknowledge that your meditation is coming to an end. Say a short prayer if you like. Thank your mind and body for joining you in meditation.

10. Open Your Eyes and Return to the World

Then, slowly open your eyes and allow your body to be still for a few moments. Let your senses wake back up. You can take this time to do a brief bit of journaling, or to write down something you learned in the meditation or write down an item of gratitude.

When you’re ready, you can stand or sit up. Stretch your arms and legs. Then extinguish any candles or incense, adjust your lighting back to normal, and return to your day.

Unique Additions to Your Simple Witch Meditation

Some witches meditate while slowly walking, called walking meditation. These meditations involve slow, deliberate, focused steps. Other witches like to incorporate mindfulness into their fitness routines, for example by meditating while going on a run.

Some like to integrate meditative states into their creative work like painting, drawing, or any other artful creation. Many witches also like to meditate while dancing, as dancing connects to both the body and emotions.

Luna Clarke

Luna Clarke is a leading contributor to and is known for her open-minded and thorough interpretation of all things Wiccan and magickal. In her free time, Luna loves to worship her cat while he ignores her. She also has some great books for beginners, like her Guided Wicca Workbook: Wiccan Starter Series (click to view)

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