Witch Tea for Sleep Can Banish Your Insomnia!

Witch Tea for Sleep

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The best of us suffer from insomnia. Even more so today, with everything going on like pandemics, it’s an even more stressful time for everyone.

Health concerns, financial concerns, kids stuck at home, distance from friends and family, loneliness, boredom. . . It’s no wonder that so many people are suffering from insomnia during these difficult times!

As a witch, you can do some magickal work to improve your sleep. Solutions like witch tea for sleep are just what you need.

Below are some tea recipes which will help a great deal. They are great for difficulty falling asleep due to anxiety, but they can also help with bad dreams, cramping, waking up in the middle of the night, and other conditions which make restful sleep difficult.

If you have the time, you can also try a witch tea for sleep before an afternoon nap. A big part of insomnia is lying awake and worrying. Worrying both about stresses and anxieties of the day, but also worrying about if and when I will fall asleep. Catching a daytime nap helps me gain confidence that yes, I actually can fall asleep! 

Let’s reassure your subconscious and bring you some nice delta wave sleep!

Why Tea?

So many reasons! Here are a few:

  • Herbs have magickal and therapeutic benefits. Brewing tea from multiple herbs allows their magickal properties to commingle and strengthen each other.
  • The act of brewing the tea is intentional and leaves you with time to reflect and focus your intentions. It is comforting to handle the herbs, feel the heat of the water, and smell the brewing tea.
  • Brewing tea is simple and easy!
  • It’s also easy to make tea a nightly ritual for yourself. It doesn’t cost very much either. You may even have the most powerful sleep ingredients in your kitchen cabinet already.
  • The sense of smell is directly connected to emotional memories. Unlike the other senses, when you smell something, that information gets relayed directly to the limbic system and amygdala, which are instinctive and primitive parts of the brain. That’s why scents can immediately bring you back to a cherished moment of your childhood or to a loved grandparent.
  • Many herbs for sleep have antioxidant properties, so drinking a tea made from them is good for all-around health.

Practical Measures

First, before doing anything magickal, let’s first make sure that we’re not setting ourselves up for failure. There are some practical measures we can take to give us the best chances of a good sleep.

First, I know it’s hard, especially when you may feel disconnected from the rest of the world and lonely, but no screens before bedtime! For at least an hour before you go to bed, try to avoid any screen at all.

This includes TV, tablets, phones, and computers. The screens emit a blue light which confuses the sleep-and-wake part of your brain and tricks it into thinking it’s daytime. Alternatively, you can invest in some blue light-blocking glasses. These allow you to use electronic devices but they block out the brain-confusing blue light.

Food and Drink

Next, think about your food and drink before bedtime. Do you eat dinner very late? Do you drink a lot of water just before bedtime? Both large meals and high liquid intake can interfere with falling and staying asleep.

A meal before bedtime means that you are busy digesting food while you are trying to fall asleep.

Large fluid intakes might make you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

Try to avoid too much eating or drinking for at least three hours before bed. 

Caffeine is another common sleep inhibitor. Avoid drinking too much caffeine throughout the day, and especially later in the day. Try to end your caffeine consumption by 2pm, because this leaves a good chunk of time for the caffeine to leave your system before bedtime.

Excessive alcohol intake can interfere with a good night’s sleep as well. Although many people view alcohol as a sedative and use it as a sleep aid, it actually works against you. It produces restless sleep and prevents the very restful REM sleep which is when your dreams come.

Keep alcohol consumption moderate, or avoid alcohol totally if you’re having severe insomnia. This might sound counter-intuitive, but trust me, it works!

Nighttime Rituals

Observe your nighttime rituals as well.

  • Do you exercise just before bed?
  • Do you watch stressful or emotionally intense movies?
  • Do you read frightening books?

All of these can also impair your sleep.

Keep your evenings as calm and relaxed as you can. Take a warm bath, do some light yoga, meditate, or read an interesting book. A fragrant cup of hot tea is excellent as well (which we’ll get into!) 

Consider ending your day on good note. Take some time to journal, specifically to write down a couple of points of gratitude for the day. Concentrating on gratitude really helps in grounding and it helps to lighten the day’s stresses. Finally, express some gratitude to whomever you are sharing your evening. Kiss your spouse, pet your cat, hug your children. 


When we talk about teas, the herbs which we use in the teas are very important. They key to witch tea for sleep is the ingredients. For a larger treatment of herbal magick, check out my article on Wiccan HerbsOpens in a new tab.

Please note that the below are general guidelines and your individual reaction to any particular herb or tea blend may be very different. When you incorporate a new herb, pay attention to how it makes you feel. What is your individual experience?

If the herb makes you feel at ease and that you are winding down, stick with it! If it makes you feel anxious or alert, stay away from it. You may also find that different combinations work better (or not) for you. Experiment and see which herbs resonate with you.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not professional medical advice or assurance of any herb’s safety. You should do your own research prior to working with these herbs. Although natural, herbs can have negative effects or they can interact with medication you may be taking. Some herbs can also be toxic. Always consult with a physician before ingesting or working with any herb. Please see our disclaimerOpens in a new tab.

Now, let’s get into specifics. Since some of these teas can be hard to find, easy links to Amazon are provided.


Lavender is probably the best-known herb for sleep. It’s a bright purple flowering plant, and it is usually found in the form of dried flowers. It is effective in bringing sleep. It has a soothing, flowery scent. It can bring serene sleep with pleasant dreams. It can also reduce anxiety and bring a general sense of peace, calm, tranquility, so this is helpful in treating the underlying conditions of insomnia. 

Lavender brings lulling sleep but it is also very powerful so be careful to not overdo. Lavender in large quantities can be stimulating, bring prophetic dreams, and is used for dreamwork. So just remember that as a sleep aid, a little bit of lavender goes a long way.


This general-purpose and versatile witches herb is perfect for bringing you relaxing sleep. It can bring lovely, vivid dreams which we can remember the next morning. In general it promotes calm and gives a relaxed sense of alertness. I like to use rosemary during the day actually. If you are having a rough day because of not enough sleep the night before, sniff some rosemary essential oil to clear your mind and help you focus.


You may have this great herb for sleep already in your kitchen! It’s been used for centuries as an insomnia treatment. Chamomile brings a sense of calm and relaxation, and brings peaceful sleep. If you are suffering from nightmares, it can also prevent bad dreams.


Another ancient herb for insomnia! It is not for the faint of heart though, as valerian root smells and tastes unpleasant. It is highly effective for both sleep and reducing stress.

Ginkgo biloba

This ancient Asian herb makes a great tea for sleep. It promotes relaxation and well-being. It can also heal depression which is a common reason we suffer from insomnia. Ginkgo biloba leaves can be hard to find but I do see it on AmazonOpens in a new tab.


Well known for its effectiveness with love, rose is great for sleep-related problems as well. It’s also healing during sleep, meaning that it can help heal the primary problems which are causing your insomnia. You can let rose work on your grief, loneliness, anxiety, and financial worries as you sleep.


Another sweet floral scent, jasmine is a soothing scent before bedtime, and an aid to keep you asleep and peaceful throughout the night. Similar to rosemary, it also lends itself to daytime focus and alertness. There are many tea mixes available which contain jasmine, but please be aware that some of them have caffeinated tea in the mixture. For best sleep results, be sure to use only non-caffeinated jasmine teas. 

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm can be a great sleep aid, but it doesn’t work for everyone. This is because in addition to being a sedative, it’s also incredibly energizing for many. Try lemon balm and see how it works for you. You may find that in very small doses it’s effective, but you may also find that it makes you too alert for sleep. 


A beautiful flower with seeds that are easy to find in the supermarket. Although it’s not ideally suited for teas, I had to include it because it works wonders for insomnia. Try incorporating some poppy seeds into your dinner (salad dressing, rolls or crackers with poppy seeds, etc.

Passion Flower

This is a unique purple flower that has sleep-promoting effects. It may be hard to find dried passion flower, but if you do find it, try to get the North American variety as this has demonstrated the most effect on sleep.


I personally love peppermint before bedtime. It’s a great relaxing, caffeine-free beverage that’s perfect before bedtime. It’s warm and soothing, and some say it’s a muscle relaxant too.


Who doesn’t love vanilla right? Although it’s a bit difficult to make into a tea, you can incorporate it with your nighttime rituals. Two ways I like to use vanilla is in a sweet snack before bedtime, or using vanilla-scented bath products.

Recipes for Witch Tea for Sleep

Let’s get into tea recipes! Whenever you are making a tea, always use nonporous materials like metal, glass, or ceramic. Avoid plastics at all cost as the heat can cause toxins to be released into the tea.

Also, you can make the tea in large batches. Use what you need that day, then refrigerate the rest for use later. If your tea contains only herbs and water, it will keep for a week or two in the refrigerator.

Teas can be made either with loose herbs, or by infusion. To make tea from loose herbs, place the dry herbs directly into the water and boil. After the tea has steeped enough, use a tea strainerOpens in a new tab.

To make tea by infusion, place the dry herbs into an infusion container. There are many items you can use for this purpose– a tea ballOpens in a new tab.

Bring the water to a boil first, whether on the stove, in an electric kettleOpens in a new tab.

Measure 1 and a half cups-ful. Use 1.5 times because as you boil the water, some of it will evaporate. If you are making a larger batch, aim for 1.5 times the amount of water you want in your finished tea.

After the water is boiling, switch off the heat and place the dried herbs in it. Let the mixture step until your tea has reached the desired strength.

Brewing time varies depending on the particular herbs used, but it should be at least 3 minutes, and no more than 10 minutes. You can gauge the strength by the color of the tea. The longer it steeps, the darker the tea gets.

Once the tea has reached the strength you want, you can stir in some honey to add some sweetness (or agave syrup for vegans).

Throughout the process of making your tea, focus your intention on a peaceful doze. Allow your energy to reach the tea. Send it loving, peaceful, calm vibrations. Allow the tea to absorb your intentions. Your energy helps determine the effectiveness of the tea, so be sure to only make the tea when you are in a relaxed place of mind.

Each recipe also comes with a specific incantation to recite as you drink the tea. This incantation is geared towards the blended magickal properties of each tea.

Pssst! Magickal teas are best made with filtered water. Keep your teas clean and toxin-free.

Valerian Tea

  • One teaspoon (2-3 grams) dried valerian root
  • Water as desired

For a single serving, 2-3 grams of dried valerian powder should be a potent dose for sleep. Add enough water as desired depending on the concentration and volume you want.

Valerian isn’t an appealing scent or flavor, so adding more water to dilute it may make it more palatable. You can also mix in a bit (i.e. spoonful) of a clear alcohol like vodka to make the valerian taste a little less strong, or add some sweetener after brewing (or both).

As you sip the tea, recite:

“I lovingly tuck my insomnia away. Let peace and calm take its place.”

Lavender Tea

Combine two floral herbs together to enhance lavender’s abilities.

  • Two teaspoons lavender
  • One teaspoon jasmine

Smell this fragrant tea as it brews and imagine your worries flying away like birds. As you sip the tea, recite:

“My lips taste the beginning of a restful night’s sleep.”

Dream Tea

Calm your subconscious and look forward to peaceful, pleasant dreams tonight.

  • One teaspoon rosemary
  • Two teaspoons lavender

As you drink the tea, say the following incantation:

“With this tea, allow me to dream peacefully and keep bad visions away.”

Flower Tea

Bring all the powers of sleep-inducing flowers together into one tea.

  • One teaspoon jasmine
  • One teaspoon rose
  • Two teaspoons lavender
  • Two teaspoons chamomile
  • One teaspoon passion flower (optional)

With this tea, recite:

“Powerful flowers, warm my soul tonight as I rest.”

Relaxed Consciousness

Ease away anxieties and help your mind to rest.

  • One teaspoon peppermint
  • One teaspoon lemon balm

With this tea, state:

“I ask my body to relax and my mind to be still.”

Potent Sleep Potion

Use the two most potent sleep aids together in this sleep potion.

  • One teaspoon lavender
  • One teaspoon chamomile

While drinking, say:

“With each sip, I ask tonight to bring me a restful night’s sleep.”

Warming Sleep Tea

Feel cozy with a warm and spicy brew.

  • One small stick cinnamon
  • One teaspoon jasmine
  • One teaspoon dried rose petals

While drinking, state outloud:

“With this warming tea, I recall good memories and feel safe tonight.”

Other Magickal Remedies

Other than witch tea for sleep, there are so many other ways to use herbs to improve your sleep. You can even combine two or more of these into an insomnia-busting routine. See my Introduction to Wiccan Herbs for a more in-depth look of other magickal ways to use herbs.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Use essential oils for aromatherapy. Put a drop of your oil of choice on your upper lip (below your nose), on your temples, on your wrists, on your third eye chakra, or on other strategic pressure points. The scent will stay with you for several minutes. This is a good thing to do just before you lay down, so while you are laying down you are enveloped by a lovely scent. Be sure to dilute pure essential oil with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation.
  • Incorporate herbs into an evening bath. Put a few drops of essential oil into the bath water, or make a small sachet of dried herbs and steep in the bath water.
  • Put a few drops of essential oil into a hand or body lotion which you use before bed.
  • Make a sachet to keep next to your pillow or tuck inside of your pillowcase.
  • Make a scented spray by putting a few drops of essential oil into a spray bottle filled with water. Spritz the fabric items in your bedroom like blankets, carpet, drapes, and pillows. Please spray a small test area first to ensure that your fabrics will not discolor from the spray. Also avoid spraying directly onto the surface where you will rest your head. Doing so may cause skin irritation or acne from the oil.
  • Create a poppet representing you. Incorporate this into your nightstand.
  • Add essential oil to a diffuser in your bedroom. This will allow the scent to permeate your sleeping quarters consistently throughout the night.

Luna Clarke

Luna Clarke is a leading contributor to WiccanGathering.com and is known for her open-minded and thorough interpretation of all things Wiccan and magickal. In her free time, Luna loves to worship her cat while he ignores her. She also has some great books for beginners, like her Guided Wicca Workbook: Wiccan Starter Series (click to view)

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