Wicca vs. Druidism: What’s the Difference?

wicca vs druidism wicca vs druid

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Pagan religions like Wicca and Druidism have gained popularity in recent decades. But, if you’ve read about these religions, it might strike you how similar they seem. So if you’re looking at Wicca vs. Druidism, which one should you choose?

The choice between Wicca vs. Druidism is personal. Both are Earth-based Neopagan religions, worshipping divine nature. They allow practice of magic and don’t have strict dogma. They differ in divinity and worldview. Wicca was formed in the 20th century and tends to be female-centric. Druidism is an ancient religion and traditionally more male-centric, though that is changing in modern times.

As you’ll see below, Wicca and Druidism have a lot in common. Distinctions between them can become blurred as both are fluid and evolving. But, if you’re trying to choose between them, here are some things to consider.

Wicca vs. Druidism — What Are We Talking About?

Wicca and Druidism are both earth-basedOpens in a new tab.

They’re ideal for anyone not wanting to be bound by the dogma and shackles of traditional religions.  

Wicca in Brief

Wicca is of relatively recent origin. It’s also known as modern-day witchcraft or “The Craft of the Wise.” 

Its modern iterations are generally viewed as having emerged in 1950s England. The source was the writings of Gerald Gardener about magic and witchcraft.

His writings borrowed liberally from the myths, rituals, and practices of other belief systems. 

These included belief in nature’s divinity and the honoring of the seasonsOpens in a new tab.

Druidism in Brief

Druidism dates back thousands of years. Originally, Druids were educated professionals. They were the healers, philosophers, judges, and scholars within their societies. They helped, advised, and taught, enabling people to do right and live better lives.

Modern Druidism, as a religious movement, combines concepts of faith and ancient Druidism.

Like Wicca, Druidism also honors nature, but perhaps more so. It places equal importance on all life, whether human, animal, or plant. It considers that none is more valued than another.  

But Druidism also holds ancestry and heritage in great reverence. So, it also seeks a personal connection and engagement with history and heritage.

You might say this gives Druidism a broader, more rounded curriculum for a spiritual life.

Witchcraft and Magic in Wicca and Druidism

Wicca has evolved into various forms since Gardener’s 1950s writings. But, the practice of witchcraft or magic remains. 

Wiccan magic often uses objects like candles, incense, or crystals. Wiccans combine these objects with chanting or dancing. They use these objects and techniques to focus the mind and energies on effecting change. They believe the energy created can manipulate the power of the natural laws of the Universe.

If you’re imagining Wiccans turning frogs into princes or the other way around, stop right there. Yes, Wiccans might use magic to seek some physical change, for example, that affects health. Another example might be to seek influence, courage, or strength in difficult situations.

It’s important to understand that while there’s great emphasis on magic in Wicca, it’s not obligatory. You can still be a good Wiccan without it. So, if the practice of magic doesn’t appeal to you, but other aspects of Wicca do, don’t be put off.

Magic is also practiced in Druidism but isn’t necessarily central. Druidism relies more on the Awen. It sees harnessing the flow of inspiration and creativity as the real means to effect change.

Morals and Ethics in Wicca and Druidism

Morals and ethics are a fundamental part of both Wicca and Druidism.

Wiccan Rede and the Rule of Three

While there’s no formal code of ethics and moralityOpens in a new tab.

  • Wiccan Rede – states that “An it harm none, do what ye will” meaning that provided your actions don’t harm anyone, you can do what you want
  • The Rule of Three – meaning that whatever you do, good or bad, it’ll come back to you multiplied by three. Karma in overdrive, you might say 

These principles ensure Wiccan’s use of witchcraft and magic is for good rather than evil, and to put more positivity into the world instead of negativity.

Druidism’s Built-In Morality and Ethics

Morality and ethics in Druidism flow naturally from its reverence for the powers of nature. Through its connection with those powers and its respect for all life forms, deep relationships and bonds are built.  

Druids believe that from these, we gain self-knowledge. We also build trust and courage to take responsibility, both individually and as a community.

That responsibility extends not just to ourselves but also the world around us. That enables us to be of value to others and the world and to live useful harmonious lives.

Wiccan and Druid Celebrations and Rituals

Of course, like other religions, there are celebrations and rituals in Wicca and Druidism. RitualsOpens in a new tab.

In Wicca and Druidism, there are eight celebrations or sabbats. They include the solstices, equinoxes, and four additional sabbats in between..  

Together, the sabbatsOpens in a new tab.

This video explains the Wheel of the Year in more detail:


In both religions, rituals also occur outside of the seasonal celebrations. These rituals mark such things as rites of passage like birth, marriage, and death.

What Do Wicca and Druidism Say About Deities?

When it comes to Gods, there’s a whole range of beliefs within both Wicca and Druidism. They’re not one-size-fits-all types of religions.

Wiccan Deity 

Wiccans vary widely in their deity beliefsOpens in a new tab.

But, that’s not to say duotheism is universal. Some Wiccans worship more than one God or hold atheist or pantheist beliefs. Some are monotheists, believing only in a Goddess. In contrast, others consider the male and female to be two facets of the same God.

And the diversity of views doesn’t stop there! Some Wiccans believe the male and female divine are equal. Others think that the female is superior and immortal, while the male is mortal.

Druid Deity

As in Wicca, there’s a diversity of beliefs surrounding Deity in Druidism. So, like Wicca, Druidism accommodates monotheistic, duotheistic, and polytheistic views.

But, some Druids hold an animist view of Deity and see gods as the forces of nature that operate all around us. This makes sense, given the emphasis on and reverence of nature within Druidism.

Wicca and Druidism — Which Do You Choose?

As you can see, Wicca and Druidism have much in common. So how to decide which one aligns with your thoughts and beliefs the best?

In particular, neither follow a strict doctrine. These religions allow the expression of individual belief and worship. In that way, they provide the freedom to explore, grow, and adapt as each individual sees fit.

Think of them each as a buffet filled with ideas, beliefs, and rituals. Individuals have the freedom to choose as much or as little as they want. Through this freedom, they gain their own inspiration and forge their own path towards spiritual enrichment.

Both religions do worship in groups known as coves in Wicca and groves in Druidism. Some versions also have initiation rites, but formal initiation isn’t necessary. Many followers of each religion learn about and practice it on their own. That doesn’t bar them from calling themselves Wiccan of Druids.

Wicca is generally viewed as appealing naturally more to female followers than Druidism because of its focus on a female Goddess. 

Druidism is often considered more male-orientated. But some monotheist Druids believe in a female Goddess too.

This empowering nature of these religions has led to the blurring of distinctions between the two. 

Druidcraft epitomizes this. It combines spiritual Druidism with Wicca magic. Proof if you needed it that we’re not dealing with a set menu. It’s more of a pick and mix that crosses any divide between the two.

This is consistent with the lack of doctrine codifying what each is or isn’t.

Making Your Choice

If you’re comparing Wicca vs. Druidism for your own life, where does this leave you?

First, we suggest that you get your feet wet in both of them and see what sort of vibes you get back. Do more of your own research, try to find other Wiccans and Druids to speak to. Perform a meditationOpens in a new tab.

How does this exposure make you feel? Do you feel empowered? Wise? Connected? If so that path might be the one for you. If you feel confused, disconnected, or unsure, then that’s a good sign it’s not the right path.

Next, in many ways, the nature of your quest might suggest a conflict between Wicca and Druidism. Yet, you see that the very basis of both of these religions– Wicca and Druidism– is harmony and respect.

So there is nothing stopping you from pulling elements from both which appeal to you. Or follow one religion, but adapt and evolve specific elements from the other which you feel helps you progress along your spiritual path.

And always keep in mind that neither of them might be right for you. There is a whole universe out there of diverse religions and beliefs. If you don’t find what you’re looking for within either Wicca or Druidism, turn your gaze outside and see what other paths might attract you.

Best of luck on your journey and blessed be!


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