How to Cast Wiccan Spells for the Weather

wiccan spells for weather

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Weather magick is ancient — perhaps one of the oldest spiritual workings — and it has its roots in human agricultural history. For millennia, people have looked to the skies to foretell or change weather patterns, from bringing rain during a drought to bringing sunshine on an overcast day. Today, Wiccans also perform weather magick, and it’s not difficult to do.

Here’s how to cast Wiccan spells for the weather:

  1. Figure out which type of weather you want to summon.
  2. Determine the materials you’ll need to represent said weather.
  3. Decide if timing is important.
  4. Create a chant.
  5. Write out your spell.
  6. Cast your weather spell.

In this article, we’ll cover what weather magick is, different forms of weather magick, and how to create and cast your own weather magick spell. We’ll also provide you with several spells to try for summoning different types of weather, as well as a few things to consider.

What is Weather Magick?

Weather magickOpens in a new tab.


It’s not uncommon for people to use the weather for divination purposes. For example, you’ve probably heard the age-old superstition that rain on your wedding day signifies a long marriage.

Below, we’ll discuss some other forms of divination used by Wiccans, Pagans, other religions, and even those with no spiritual affiliation.


Not exclusive to Wicca, dowsing is the ancient practice of locating waterOpens in a new tab.

The dowser carries a stick or copper rod in front of their body. They walk around the area until they feel the rod vibrate, signaling water. In that spot, people would dig wells — and dowsers were right so often that people actually hired them to locate nearby water sources!

During the Middle Ages, however, the rise of Christianity led villagers to believe that dowsing was associated with the devil. As a result, the practice was outlawed in Europe during the 17th century.

Grain Kernels

Farmers often utilized divinationOpens in a new tab.


There were numerous “old wive’s tales” surrounding weather forecasting. For example, a cat cleaning behind its ears or cows lying in the pasture means rain is on the way. While those two examples sound quite silly, weather lore has been around since recorded time.

A more common phrase that you’ve likely heard is, “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight! Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning!” Interestingly, this phrase originates in the book of Matthew when Jesus saidOpens in a new tab.

“When in evening, ye say, it will be fair weather: For the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering.”

Weather Control 

Perhaps the most complex of the above-mentioned forms of weather magick is weather control.

There are all kinds of opinions — both good and bad — about weather control magick. You can visit the Reddit Wiccan communityOpens in a new tab.

After all, the Wiccan Rede states, “An ye harm none, do what ye will.”

How To Cast Wiccan Weather Spells

Before you cast a spell, you need to create a spell. Here are the basic instructions for creating and casting a Wiccan spell for the weather.

1. Figure Out Which Type of Weather You Want to Summon

When creating a weather spell, you need to first decide what type of weather it is that you wish to summon — is it rain, fog, snow, or perhaps a thunderstorm that you hope for? Do you want the weather to last for an hour, a day, or a week? You must be absolutely clear in your desires. Once you know exactly what it is that you desire, make note of it and move on to step two.

2. Determine the Materials You’ll Need to Represent Said Weather

After you’ve determined which type of weather you want to summonOpens in a new tab.

Type of WeatherMaterials
SnowPinecones, White ribbon, Oak, Ice cubes
RainRainwater, Azurite, Ferns, Rice
ThunderstormLightning bolts carved into candles, Strobe lights, Moonstone, Labradorite
FogIncense (smoke), Ashes, Smokey quartz, Saffron
SunshineYellow candles, Amber, Citrine, Sunflowers

Additionally, you may implement the sounds of the weather you’re trying to bring — thunder, rainfall sounds, or the whistling of the wind, for example.

Feel free to think outside the box — you needn’t use traditional materials and ingredients in your Wiccan weather spell casting. If you have a painting of the sun or a rain stick, you may implement those items into your weather workings.

3. Decide If Timing Is Important

Wiccans often take advantage of specific times for their spellcasting to increase the likelihood of success. For example, it’s recommended to perform spells of summoning during the waxing moon (when energy is rising) or on the night of a Full Moon (when energy is at its highest).

You may also choose a specific day of the week to perform your spellOpens in a new tab.

  • Snow – Saturday is ruled by Saturn and associated with Capricorn (Earth) and Aquarius (Air). Manifestation is typically strong on this day, but you must be self-disciplined to reap the rewards of your efforts. In addition to pinecones, white ribbon, oak, and ice cubes, consider implementing ivy and myrrh as well.
  • Rain – Monday is your best bet for casting weather spells relating to rain. The Moon represents Monday — and we all know that the moon affects the tides. It’s also ruled by Cancer (Water). Naturally, Monday is ideal for summoning precipitation. Consider implementing jasmine or moonwort into your spellwork, as well as rainwater, azurite, ferns, and rice.
  • Thunderstorms – Wind is common in thunderstorms, so it makes sense to choose a day represented by an Air sign to summon a storm. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury and Chiron, Virgo (Earth), and Gemini (Air). Use ferns or dill in your Wiccan weather spells on Wednesdays. Alternatively, Friday is a suitable day for weather work as it’s ruled by Venus, Freya, Libra (Air), and Taurus (Earth). Incorporate sage, birch, or apple.
  • Fog – Smoke is sometimes used to represent fog, so Thursday, represented by Fire (Sagittarius) and Water (Pisces), is probably the best day to summon it. The fire symbolizes the thick, smoke-like mist, whereas the water represents the water vapor that makes up the fog. Use cedar and pine on Thursday weather spells. Tuesday is another suitable day for fog summoning. Consider using patchouli, garlic, or roses in your spell.
  • Sunshine – It seems self-explanatory to use Sunday for sunshine spells. Sunday is ruled by the Sun and Leo (Fire). This is also a time of vibrancy, hope, and vitality, much like the energy of the sun brings. If performing a sunshine spell on Sunday, implement yellow flowers into your ritual for an energy boost.

4. Create a Chant

Words and incantations are important during spellwork, so think carefully about what you’re going to say. Revisit what you wrote in step one and ensure that your intentions are well-defined, and then prepare your words.

Will you chant the same thing over and over again, or do you prefer more of a poetic couplet? Will you call upon Deities or Elementals for assistance? 

There is great power in words, so choose carefully. We’ll offer some Wiccan weather spell ideas, including chants and couplets, near the end of this article. Remember, rhymes aren’t necessary, so don’t get too wrapped up in finding rhyming words.

For starters, here’s a very brief, basic fill-in-the-blanks incantation that you may use:

I call upon [God/Goddess/Entity/Element] to bring forth [Desired Weather]. Heed my calls!

Repeat this phrase until you feel the energy rise. Speak with conviction and power — intent is everything.

5. Write Out Your Spell

Once you’ve defined your intent, gathered your materials, chosen the ideal time, and written out your chant, it’s time to blend it all together into a workable form. Because you’re writing the spell, it should resonate with you.

Write out the weather spell in steps. For example, most Wiccans typically start by casting a Circle of protection. It’s up to you on what you do next. You might play rain sounds, flash a strobe light to mimic lightning, or light a candle to represent the sun. Some practitioners create jar spells and bury them at the end of the spell while reciting their chant.

Do what feels right — make it your own. And don’t forget to write down the spell in your Book of Shadows.

6. Cast Your Spell

After you’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to cast the spell! Focus your intent and perform the weather spell with high energy. You should feel the energy at the core of your being as you move from step one, to step two, and so on. By the end of the spell, you may feel drained of energy — that’s totally normal. Enjoy some time basking in the Full Moon or taking a ritual bath to help replenish any lost energy.

After you’ve finished casting your weather summoning spell, all you have to do is wait for your dreams to come to fruition.

Wiccan Weather Spells to Try

Now that you know how to cast a Wiccan weather spell, feel free to look through these sample spells to give yourself some ideas for future weather spellwork.

Wiccan Spells for Cold and Snow

Some simple Wiccan weather spells to try for cooler temps and snow summoning include:

Pinecone Spell for Snow

  1. Gather a pinecone, glue, rainwater, white glitter or fake snow (used for snowglobes), and a white ribbon.
  2. Drizzle the pinecone with a liberal amount of PVA glue.
  3. Roll it in the white glitter or fake snow to coat the pinecone so that it looks as though it’s dusted with snow.
  4. Tie a white ribbon around the pinecone and hang it outdoors upon a tree.
  5. While hanging the pinecone, recite a chant or incantation, such as “With these words, I ask of thee, make it snow, so mote it be.”

Full Moon Snow Summoning

  1. Choose an object that has significant meaning to you, and grab a white satin cloth.
  2. Charge it under the Full Moon or with charged Selenite.
  3. Place the satin cloth over the object.
  4. Recite a chant, asking for snow. For example, “Goddess, I ask that you bring snow to the Earth surrounding me. The snow so white, let me see. I ask of you, so mote it be!”

Wiccan Spells for Fog or Misty Weather

Sigil Spell for Summoning Fog

  1. Draw a sigil onto a sheet of parchment paper with a blue pen.
  2. Fill a small pot with water (preferably rainwater, but tap water is fine if you do not have rainwater on hand).
  3. Place the pot on the stove and turn it on medium heat.
  4. Drop the paper into the water as it heats up and steam rises from the top.
  5. Chant something such as, “The clouds above come down to me, to the Earth and nearby sea. Cover me in fog light, yet dense, a cooling sensation so intense. I ask you [Deity/Element], I call on thee, bring me the mist, so mote it be!”
  6. Allow the water to cool down before tossing it out the window.

Wiccan Weather Spells for Rain/Storms

Jar Spell for Rain Summoning

  1. Warm a pot of rainwater (or tap water, if rainwater isn’t available). Do not heat it to boiling — keep the temperature close to a comfortable bathwater.
  2. Add a single drop of food coloring to the water to make it a light shade of blue.
  3. Sprinkle silver glitter into the bottom of the pot.
  4. Fill a jar (with a tight-fitting lid) halfway with the blue liquid.
  5. Add clear soap to fill up the jar the rest of the way.
  6. Seal the jar tight with the lid.
  7. Draw a sigil representing rain on top of the jar.
  8. Shake the jar to mix all of the ingredients together.
  9. Stare into the jar, imagining the Earth being sprinkled with rain.
  10. Recite a chant, if desired.
  11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for as long as you feel necessary.

Storm Summoning with the Elements

As you perform this weather spell, you may choose to speak aloud about what each item represents. For example:

  • Incense = Wind
  • Candle = Clouds
  • Rainwater = Rain
  • Salt = Turbulent Ocean Water

As we’ve discussed, incantations and chants aren’t necessary. They are recommended, however, due to the power in words.

  1. Carve lightning bolts into a white or black candle.
  2. Light an incense stick or sustainably-sourced sage, and the candle.
  3. Focus on the smoke of the incense and imagine it as wind moving across the sky.
  4. Pour a bit of rainwater into a separate bowl, imagining it as rainwater falling to the Earth.
  5. Place two or three pinches of salt into the bowl of water, imagining it as ocean water, made turbulent by the storm.
  6. Stare into the water, imagining a grey sky, seeing lightning and thunder. You may also play these sounds in the background as you work through the weather spell.
  7. Blow the incense smoke into the bowl and drop a bit of wax into the rainwater, building it up until it resembles a storm cloud.
  8. Use your fingers to dip into the rainwater and then douse the flame of the candle.
  9. Toss the rainwater outdoors.

Wiccan Spell for Summoning Wind

Spell for Whistling Wind

  1. Take a deep breath, and as you inhale, feel all of the energy that you’re taking in.
  2. Blow out the energy with a whistle (alternatively, you may use an empty glass bottle to make a whistling sound — just blow gently across the top).
  3. Adjust the pitch of your whistle to change the wind. For example, a sharp, loud whistle should produce a strong gust, whereas a low whistle may produce a steady breeze.

Wiccan Spells for Warmth or Sunshine

Spell to Bring Warm Weather

  1. Heat up a pot of rainwater (or whatever clean water you have on hand) until it’s a comfortable temperature — not too hot, not too cold.
  2. Drop in chili flakes, black peppercorns, cinnamon, and sunflower petals. You may also implement other plants that remind you of sunshine and warmth.
  3. Stir the plant matter around in the pot, infusing the herbs into the water, as you chant, “Warm me up, I ask of thee, bring me sunshine, so mote it be!”
  4. Sprinkle the warm water and herbs in the area that you wish to attract sunshine and warmth.

Golden Candle Spell for Warmth and Sunshine

  1. Sketch out a map of the area where you want to bring warmth and sunshine.
  2. Carve a sun into a yellow or golden-colored candle.
  3. Light the candle, observing the flame as a symbol of the sun.
  4. Move the map around the flame clockwise, while asking your chosen deities to bring about fair weather.
  5. Burn the map while imagining and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face and body.

Things to Consider

Wiccan Ethics in Weather Spells

Before performing a spell to change or control the weather, consider the ethical side of things. To reiterate, the Wiccan Rede states, “an ye harm none” — and it’s difficult to say how controlling the weather could impact others in different parts of the world.

If you’ve determined that your intentions are pure and that your wording is foolproof, you may move forward — but use caution. If anything feels wrong, don’t push ahead. Take a step back and reevaluate the weather spell to determine if changes should be made.

Bear in mind that small changes in weather can have a significant impact on agriculture, animals’ natural habitats, and other far-reaching consequences. So ponder carefully before casting a weather spell.

Complexity of Weather Spells

Weather magick is one of the most complex types of magick. There are so many factors that work in tandem to produce warm weather, precipitation, wind, and snow. It takes a strong, dedicated, and experienced practitioner to have an impact on the weather. Novices are unlikely to see much effect at all.

Results Aren’t Guaranteed

For those starting out, it’s best to try adjusting or redirecting weather patterns currently impacting the Earth. For example, you may try to push a storm system away from your area as it charges forth. As with all magick, however, results are never guaranteed.

If your weather spell hasn’t come to fruition after 28 days (a lunar month), you may want to revisit the weather spell and figure out what you can do to improve it. Use your Book of Shadows to record each attempt, the results after the 28-day period, and any modifications you make.

Key Takeaways

Weather magick is tough, often reserved for some of the most dedicated and experienced Wiccan practitioners. Others, however, can try their hand at weather magick by first focusing on ethics, and then creating their own spells.

  • Know your intentions and desires. Don’t go in without well-defined intent.
  • Choose materials that represent the weather you wish to summon.
  • Pick the right timing for best results.
  • Come up with a chant or incarnation that resonates with you.
  • Write out your spell in your Book of Shadows.
  • Cast your spell with conviction.


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