Crystal Magick Basics: A Beginner’s Guide

crystal magick for beginners wiccan crystals

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The crystal magick is a beautiful and powerful aspect of witchcraft that can be used in many ways. Whether you are looking for healing, protection, or love; crystals can help you manifest your goal. In this article we will go over the basics of crystal magick to get you started on your journey!

What are crystals?

Crystals are stones that have been mined from the earth. They can be used for energy work, healing, spell casting, and so much more! Many crystals have a history of being used for crystal magick and witchcraft which makes them very powerful.

The term “crystal” refers to a number of minerals and stones that exist beneath the Earth’s surface or are produced by natural processes. Some crystals, such as amber, jet, fossils, or meteorite, are formed through natural processes rather than geological forces. The vast majority of crystals, on the other hand, are formed.

Crystals are formed from a lattice structure. The internal lattice molecular structure makes the crystals tough, long-lasting, and interesting in form. It also gives the crystals their own distinct magickal characteristics– a magickal energy stamp if you will.

Why are crystals powerful?

Crystals’ structure actually follows the principles of sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is found all over the world in religious buildings, monuments, and timeless works of art. Even the humble spiralled seashell has a sacred geometry.

In fact, due to their geometry, many crystals have an energetic effect which is used for scientific applications, known as the piezoelectric effect. We use this energetic effect (and a tiny crystal) inside almost every computer and phone!

So both scientifically and magickally, crystals hold innate powerOpens in a new tab.

What is crystal witchcraft?

The practice of crystal witchcraft is traced back to ancient times. It’s a form of witchcraft that uses crystals to do healing, perform energy manipulation, and enhance the power and effectiveness of spells, among other uses.

Crystal witchcraft is also known as crystal magick, because it involves using crystals in magickal work. The use of crystals dates back thousands of years, but modern crystal witches have only begun to explore their potential.

How do witches work with crystals?

We can use crystals in our magickal rituals allows you to tap into the crystals’ internal energy and vibration. Since they emit their own energy, crystals are excellent directors of magickal energy.

They also store and conduct energy as well. For example, we can channel our own intent for storage into the crystal. Then later on, we can use the crystal to send the energy out.

Crystals can also be used as intensifiersOpens in a new tab.

What is a crystal witch?

The term “crystal witch” has been around for decades, but it gained in popularity recently. There are many terms for witch specializations, like herbal witch, lunar witch, hedge witch, etc.

However “crystal witch” refers to a witch who is skilled at performing magick using stones and gemstones as her tools. The term is also applied to someone who uses crystals in conjunction with other modalities to perform energy work and energy healingOpens in a new tab.

How do I practice crystal witchcraft myself?

Crystals are wonderful tools for the practice of witchcraft, and they have many uses. Some people prefer to use only one type of crystal at a time, while others like to use several stones at once.

Crystal witchcraft is simply harnessing crystals’ natural powers and using them for your magickal ends. Once you get past the fundamentals, crystal magick can become one of the easiest and strongest magick that you can do. 

There are several methods for working with crystalsOpens in a new tab.

Charging Crystals

We may input anything we want into crystals because they are repositories of energy! For instance, we can charge crystals with our intentions to blend with their own natural energy, resulting in a highly powerful tool for us to use.

We can charge a crystal with our own desire and intention, then we can set it aside to allow energy to build over several hours, days, or weeks before using it. For example, I could charge a crystal to enhance my intuition and connection with my patron in advance of using it.

There are many ways to charge a crystal including:

Charging can also involve several of the above ways.

Charms and Amulets

Using stones to attract good energies is simple: charge them with the intentions we wish to have in our lives, then keep them with us all day.

Crystals can be incorporated into charms and amulets for protection, luck, and healing, as they have been for centuries. Crystals make great pendants, rings, earrings, etc. Not only are they protective, but they look beautiful too.

Placing Crystals in Your Sacred Space

We can also keep stones to distribute its energy into our personal and sacred environment at home.

On your altar, you may make a crystal as part of your altar, or use a crystal as a deity offering. You can also adorn your altar tools with crystals– wands are great for this!

At home, you can place a variety of crystals throughout your home to keep energy moving freely. Keep a crystal next to your bed or beneath your pillow. Place one in your meditation area. Or keep one next to the computer to keep out bad energies.

Chakra Balancing with Crystals

With crystals, chakra imbalances can be easily resolved. Although there are several techniques, the most often all that is often required is selecting a crystal with the correct correspondences, and holding it near the afflicted chakra. It may help with issues from the crown chakra, solar chakra, heart chakra, and others.

Directing Energy

Since crystals interact with latent magickal energies in the world, they are great for directing and drawing energy. As mentioned, they make a powerful material for a wand and make a great extension of your hand in directing magickal energies.

Crystal Grids

Not for the inexperienced, crystal grids are complex and require a good deal of expertise to get right. It involves using several crystals at once to amplify and synergize their powers. As a result of using multiple crystals, this work is much more powerful than using a single crystal.

Crystal grids are collections of stones laid out in sacred geometric patterns. The individual crystals and grid patterns are chosen based on your particular intention. They can be used for healing, protection, manifesting love, and other uses.

Crystal grids are useful to add a great deal of magickal weight to a spell. Or you can use them to create a unique energy signature, compared to that of any single crystal.

Preparing Your Stones for Crystal Magick

Crystals are very effective stores of energy. So before use, it is important that a crystal is cleansed. This is to prevent old energy from prior spells and prior contacts affecting your new work.

The intention behind cleansing of crystals is to ensure that your usage of is in keeping with your goal. You don’t want to utilize a crystal that’s accumulated negative energy for a love spell, for example! It’s all about connecting your crystal with your intent.

Crystals can be cleansed using many techniques. Here are a few examples:

  • Under running water
  • Soaking in a bowl of salt water
  • Smudging
  • Burying in the Earth
  • Absorbing sunlight
  • Absorbing moonlight
  • Using candles
  • With vibrational sound

What are some everyday crystal magick rituals and spells?

There are many simple and easy ways you can incorporate crystal rituals and spellsOpens in a new tab.


Crystals are sometimes employed for therapeutic purposes. Place a crystal near the region of your body that needs healing or the chakra you believe to be out of balance, and which is causing your physical problem. Crystal amulets are great for round-the-clock healing energiesOpens in a new tab.

Side note: Crystals should never be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment! (See our disclaimersOpens in a new tab.


The ability to connect with the Earth’s natural energies is necessary. Grounding is a method for reconnecting with the Earth and replenishing our energy exchange.

If you feel like you’re adrift in life, lonely, or empty and lost, try grounding. Grounding stones include hematite, smoky quartz, and kyanite. To maintain a healthy balance in your life, sit with these crystals for a while, carry them with you, or meditate with them.

Altar Rituals

You may utilize crystals in your everyday Wiccan rituals. During the formation of a circle, you can utilize various stones to represent each of the elements and the cardinal points. Alternatively, you may use crystal to commemorate deities. To determine which elements and gods a crystal corresponds with, look up a correspondence chart.

Boost Spells

This is a simple approach to enhance your crystal magick for novices. Quartz and amethyst are excellent all-purpose crystals that may be used to strengthen rituals. You can also use crystals as an athame or wand in directing energy, or arrange them inside your circle or on your altar to do so. For this purpose, you can buy “point” crystals.


Crystals may be utilized to improve your divination. Keep the particular crystal (or two) you like most accessible while reading tarot cards, runes, tea leaves, pendulums, scrying, and so on. Clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, and azurite are examples of stones that might be used for divination.


The ancients utilized stones and crystals to guard them selves. They may be carried on the body or kept in locations where you spend most of your time to create a protective energetic shield.

The greatest crystal for protection is black tourmaline. It absorbs undesirable energy and creates a barrier around you that protects you from harm. Tiger’s eye, hematite, onyx, and salt are also excellent spiritual defenders. Consider these stones as a wall between your personal space and external energies and forces.

Wealth and Abundance

There are several gemstones that are believed to attract money, increase luck, and bring prosperity. Citrine and green aventurine are excellent crystals that draw money and abundant energy.

Keep a stone within reach of places where you can benefit from its wealthy energy – your wallet, handbag, desk at work, etc. A bank statement, company card, or other item that symbolizes riches and success may also be kept nearby. Keep the energy of prosperity close to your heart.


Check out rose quartz as a gateway to love work for the first time. This stone is able to assist you in working on kind and romantic love because it talks directly to your heart chakra. Keep the stone close to your heart. It’s effective for friends, neighbors, family, adversaries (end relationships), romantic partners, and oneself! You can utilize rose quartz not just to promote compassion towards others, but also self-love.

Or maybe you need extra spice in your love life. Connect with your lover, lower your inhibitions, and generate a powerful energy in the bedroom. Keep a vibrant, deep crimson gem near your bed, such as bloodstone, carnelian, or garnet. Ruby and pink tourmaline are also fantastic choices.

If you’re looking for new love, selenite is a good choice. It will provide opportunity where you previously thought there was none. You may run into a stranger or have a friend turn into a potential lover overnight. It might also reveal clarity on someone you’re currently interested in or involved with.

Stress and Anxiety

Crystals can be used to help you relax during the day. A fantastic technique to do this is to include crystals into your daily self-care habits.

Take a soothing bath and anoint the tub with your healing stones. Place them within reach as you enjoy a book. Or meditate with a crystal in each hand. Blue lace agate, amethyst, and green jade are natural stress relievers.

Sleep and Dreamwork

Crystals can be used to aid in falling asleep, healing severe insomnia, and enhancing dreamwork.

Keep celestite next to your body as bedtime approaches for assistance falling asleep. It aids in the release of tension and encourages the natural tired feelings to emerge. Jasper and amethyst can also be utilized for this purpose.

Combine stones for insomnia. You may complete a short bedtime ritual in addition to keeping the stones near you at night. Hold the stone(s) and promise yourself that you will go to sleep. Allow the stone to assist you relax and fall asleep.

Keep a piece of amethyst under your pillow to improve dreamwork. It will assist you in ending bad dreams, bringing premonitory dreams, and help you recall them. You may also keep it with you during the day to assist you in interpreting the sleep-related imaginings that occur during the day.


Carry stones with you when you have to talk in public or give a speech to persuade others. They can help you strengthen your voice, express yourself clearly, and persuade people. Carry them with you anytime you have an important conversation or presentation. You might also try working on opening up your throat chakra, which is a pathway for communication.

Blue lace agate, sapphire, chrysocolla, and aquamarine have energies that are conducive to enhancing communication.


When you’re in need of a muse, crystals can come to the rescue. Stimulate new ideas, gain fresh perspective, and increase originality. They can aid in the opening of the sacral chakra, which is your route to creativity.

Stones may be used to decorate your workspace, or you may wear a ring or pendant when you need to call on your creativity. While holding your stone, say a mantra that emphasizes your creativity, such as “I have boundless originality.” Carnelian is an excellent stone for bringing out your natural creativity.

Energy and Motivation

If you’re looking for a new, fresh direction in your life and need some inspiration to get started on what feels right for you, selenite can help. It will bring clarity so that when opportunities arise in the future, you’ll be able to recognize them and take advantage of them.

Stones such as red jasper or bloodstone work well if you want to start making changes in your life but aren’t sure where to begin. Bloodstone is also helpful for giving yourself an energy boost before important events (such as presenting at a conference).

How do l select the right crystals for me?

The first step in learning crystal magick is to understand your crystals. You must select the proper gems for each spell or ceremony. Choosing the appropriate crystals is crucial since they have varied magickal properties and effects.

Because the term “crystal” seems like it’s a single thing, it might lead you to believe that all stones are similar. In reality, there are over 100 distinct types of crystals. They all have their own set of characteristics. Some crystals are more useful than others for a variety of applications.

The specific crystalOpens in a new tab.

For the greatest results, pick crystals that are compatible with your intention and/or modify your aim to suit the character of the stone. It isn’t meant to imply that you can’t benefit from other crystals, but certain stones are more effective than others depending on their energy properties. Let crystals amplify and intensify your energetic intention, not negate it.

Use the following information on each crystal and its magical effects and correspondences to pick the oneOpens in a new tab.

Reference of common magickal crystals


Color: Variety of colorful layers

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Calming anxiety, quieting your mind, grounding, connecting with nature, luck, prosperity, getting through tough times, comfort, healing from grief, strength, intelligence, communicating well, boosting confidence, protection


Color: Light green, bluish green

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Spirit work, intuition, necromancy, calming anxiety and grounding, quelling fear, communicating clearly, leadership, building trust, inspiring self and others, success and luck, supportive strength, creative ideas, focusing on the end goal, cultivating joy.


Amber isn’t a stone or a crystal by scientific standards, yet it has great power. It can convert bad energy into good energy, so it’s beneficial to have around you. As a result, it’s an excellent way to cleanse your thoughts and move on from past hurt or mistakes. It also stores energy and may be observed when you rub amber on a cloth or carpet, because it will gather static electricity from the air. Amber will be a useful tool in your crystal magick arsenal.

Color: Translucent gold

Energy: Yang

Element: Earth

Properties: Convert negative energy into positive energy, emptying mind, clarity, releasing stored emotions from your psyche, healing negative emotional wounds, protection, putting mind and spirit at peace.


Amethyst has been used for millennia to boost vitality and well-being. It’s a bright purple stone with restorative and purifying properties. It’s a pleasant and relaxing stone, too. Amethyst good for stress relief since it relaxes the mind, soothes fears, and reduces anger.

It’s an excellent stone to use for ending nightmares and treating insomnia as well. This stone is wonderful for dreamwork and building spiritual abilities.

Amethyst has long been recognized for its capacity to aid in sobriety. It is primarily used to break addictions to alcohol, but it can give self-discipline, build your inner strength, and bring you peace.

Color: Purple

Energy: Balanced

Element: Water

Properties: Healing, cleansing powers, protection, healing whole self, spiritual intuition, stress relief, calming, dampen mood swings, end nightmares, help insomnia, dream work, psychic skills, spiritual awareness, sobriety, ending and healing addiction, self discipline, inner strength, peace.


Color: Turquoise, teal

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Determination, fearlessness, expressing yourself, cleansing and purification, tapping into your intuition and psychic abilities.


Color: Variety but often green

Energy: Yang

Element: Air

Properties: Creativity, seeing new opportunities, free the mind to accept success, wealth and prosperity, confidence and self power, decisive action.


Color: Deep blue

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Healing of all forms, divination and foresight, dreamwork, focus and concentration, personal and spiritual metamorphosis.


Color: Often green or light blue

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Protection and healing, amplify and tune into energy, and psychic intuition.


Color: Spotted green and red

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Physical health and recovery, healing, confidence in one’s abilities, tenacity, toughness, triumph.

Blue Kyanite

Color: Blue with white layers

Energy: Balanced 

Element: Water

Properties: Balancing energies, new beginnings, soul searching, finding new truths, facing change boldly, guidance in new situations, course corrections.


Color: Typically white or yellow

Energy: Yin 

Element: Fire

Properties: Grounding and centering, cleansing, purifying, mental peace and calm, clear mind.


Color: Orange-red

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Manifesting thoughts and ideas into actions and reality, achieving goals, feeling in control, productivity, building self esteem, courage, and confidence, igniting and following passions, eliminating procrastination, building motivation.


Color: Turquoise, teal

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Wisdom, depth of knowledge, balancing mind and emotions, calming oneself, inner peace.


Color: Green

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Effective communication, working in groups, making your ideas heard, mental influence, poise, articulation.


Color: Yellow, orange

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Positive energies, calming environment at home, facilitating communication, general wellness and well being, joy, protective powers, provides balance.


Color: Clear

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: As the Earth’s hardest substance it gives extreme permanence and durability, diligence, resilience, purification, and personal and spiritual growth.


Color: Green

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Material success, prosperity, career accomplishment, protection, and self awareness.


Color: Variety of colors

Energy: Yang

Element: Earth

Properties: All types of healing– physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic.


Color: Red, pink

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Protection, returns negative energies back to sender, builds desire and passion, creativity and imagination, positive attitude and improve outlook, prime you for success, bring love and strength to others.


Hematite is a black, reflective substance that is magnetic and commonly found in the Earth’s crust. It’s most well-known for offering protection, but is also beneficial for improved memory, attention, and insight. It can be used to alleviate anxiety, absorb hostility, soothe tension, and build self-confidence.

Hematite can also assist you in overcoming bad habits. Simply hold the stone near your body for a few moments. It helps you avoid addictions and boosts your willpower. Another approach to break free from compulsions is scrying. Scrying may be accomplished with any shiny, reflective mineral, such as hematite.

Hematite is also useful in spellwork, particularly since to its magnetic qualities. Use hematite in attraction spells.

Color: Black, grey, brown

Energy: Yang

Element: Earth

Properties: Protection, grounding, think clearly, memory improvement, focus, gain perspective, reduce anxiety, absorb negativity, soothe stress, build self esteem, increase confidence, boost willpower, end addictions, scrying, magnetic properties


Color: Green

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Self improvement, self love and peace with oneself, emotional health and balance, happiness.


Color: Yellow, brown

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Flexibility, open mind, career success, coordination, dedication, determination, relentlessness, industriousness, grounding, luck, and balance.


Color: Black

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Overcoming grief, healing after death of a loved one, protection, absorbing negativity, grounding, mental and emotional well being, general healing.


Color: Pink, purple

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Grounding and balance, relaxation and calm, stress relief, introspection and inner growth, peace and harmony.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a long-standing, sacred stone that has been utilized for thousands of years. It’s a versatile stone that can be used to repair emotional problems. It’s frequently used in meditation to help one focus and achieve mental clarity.

Color: Blue with white or yellow stripes

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Eye-opening stone, discover truth, wisdom and intuition, enlightenment and spiritual awakening, find your calling, insight, psychic intuition and prophecy, connecting with the spirit world, focus and concentration, healing emotional wounds.


Color: Variety but pink is common

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Emotional balance, mood regulation, calming anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions, bringing about inner peace, ending nightmares, harmonious spirituality.


Lodestone is a stone that exists in between stones and metals. It is naturally magnetic and has powerful healing effects on the physical body. Lodestone is worn against the skin for protection, healing, and good fortune. It can be used to create an oil that can be used to attract luck and money.

Lodestone loses energy over time, so it must be replenished periodically. For example, after extensive use or after a certain amount of time has elapsed. The oil described above, or other magnetic materials, can nourish lodestone back to full potency.

Color: Black, grey, brown

Energy: Balanced

Element: Water

Properties: Healing rituals, physical health, energy and endurance, circulation and immune system, pain reduction, good luck amulet, grounding, good luck oil, protection from negativity and dark magick, dampening negative emotions, attracting wealth, prosperity, and luck.


Color: Green

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Facilitate life changes, rebirth and new beginnings, adventure, personal success, wealth and prosperity.


Color: Green, blue

Energy: Balanced

Element: Air

Properties: Intuition and psychic abilities, subconscious awareness, wisdom and insight, balance, consecration and blessings.


Color: Variety

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Emotional connection, forming deep relationships, connection with nature and the cycle of life, listening to the heart, empathy and compassion, heal emotional trauma, kindness, protection from dark magick and negative energies, moon magick, clairvoyance, dreamwork, lucid dreaming, and mystery.

Moss Agate

Color: White, green, black

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Physical prowess, strength, victory, bravery, energy, endurance, and stamina, eliminate negative emotions, luck.


Color: Black

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Protection from negative energies, grounding.


Color: Black

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Protection against dark magick, seances, contacting the spirit world and departed loved ones, guards against possessions.


Color: Variety

Energy: Balanced

Element: Air

Properties: Can be difficult to use, each color has different properties, strong stone, intensifies emotions, increases sensitivities and consciousness, psychic awareness. 


Color: Green, blue

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Prosperity, wealth and success, attract luck, abundance, growth and forgiveness, improving your life.


Color: Gold

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Luck, success, attracting prosperity and wealth, positivity and optimism, determination and strength to follow passions and achieve goals.


Quartz is a great first crystal to get for baby witches. It’s a great all-purpose stone– extremely flexible, and it can replace any other gem in magickal rituals. Quartz isn’t rare; it’s the second most common mineral on Earth. So it will be simple for you to locate and won’t cost much.

Quartz may be used to amplify and strengthen energy pathways. It boosts and directs positive energies, and can be combined with your own intent before sending the energy where you want it to go.

Quartz cleanses the energy it absorbs, making it an excellent adversary to dark magic and suitable for use in protective spells. Its purification properties make it beneficial for healing as well.

Color: Clear

Energy: Balanced

Element: Air

Properties: All-purpose, versatile, substitute for other crystals, energy pathways, positive energy, direct and strengthen energy, purification, protection, healing, clarification, focus, procrastination, spiritual growth.

Red Jasper

Color: Red

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Emotional protection, emotional distance, thinking rationally and logically, letting go of worries, lessen anxiety, dispel negative energies, optimism, stability and security, grounding, strength, defense against dark magick.


Color: Pink, rose

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Sexual passions, romantic exploits, sexual power and adventure, attracting love, fertility, forming new relationships and friendships, compassion and empathy for others.


Color: Pink, rose

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Healing especially emotional healing, grief, healing from loss or death, forgiveness, reconciling old relationships, mending current relationships, attracting love, making yourself a better person for others.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone associated with love. Its rosy glow may provide a loving energy in all areas, including love, friendship, caretaking, and healing heartbreak.

It will assist you in opening your heart, purging your spirit, and generating unconditional love. It may also help you strengthen your relationship with yourself by fostering forgiveness, trust, and acceptance.

Color: Pink, rose

Energy: Yin 

Element: Water

Properties: Romance, friendship, unconditional love, love spells, heartbreak, open heart, cleanse spirit, forgiving and trusting yourself, healing, protection, peace.


Color: Red

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Sexuality and desire, finding love, virility, life passion, happiness, intuition and clairvoyance, empathy and improving relationships, emotional health.


Color: Variety but often deep blue

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Psychic abilities, foresight and visions, luck, dreamwork, spiritual connection, creativity and inspiration, subconscious awareness, monetary goals, protection and protective magick.


Selenite is a potent stone with a wide range of applications. One of its major uses is clarity. It may assist us in seeing the overall picture if we find ourselves lost in details.

Because of its strong connection with the spirit realm, Selenite is ideal for meditation. It allows us to connect with the spirit realm for counsel, insights, and awareness. Use Selenite for dream work. When combined with amethyst, it’s particularly powerful for this type of work.

You can also use Selenite for its restorative effects. It is used to improve personal vibrations in order to foster honesty and moral virtue. (PS- Selenite should not be exposed to water!)

Color: Often milky white

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Clarity, see big picture, spirit guidance, insight, awareness, spirit work, dream work, stop bad dreams, help insomnia, lucid dreaming, astral projection, peace, calm, truthfulness, virtue, cleansing negativity.


Color: Green, brown

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Positivity, bright spirit, generosity, creativity, peace and calm, joy and happiness, consecration and blessings.

Smoky Quartz

Color: Grey

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Positivity and optimism, overcoming fear, overcoming obstacles, intuition and subconscious knowledge, grounding and centering.


Sodalite is a companion stone to lapis lazuli and shares similar qualities. You can often substitute one for the other in a pinch.

Color: Royal blue

Energy: Yin

Element: Air, water

Properties: Psychic intellect, insight and intuition, clairvoyance, rational and logical thought, wisdom, self awareness, clearing the mind of distractions, self control and mental discipline, working in groups, communicating your thoughts to others, two-way communication, improving communication in a relationship.


Color: Variety but often pink or peach

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Taking action, following passion, conviction, persistence, embracing fear, sexuality, toughness, sun magick, protection and healing.

Tiger’s Eye

Color: Brown striped

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Truth seeking, perceive reality, uncover devious or fraudulent intentions, clarity of the mind, see past illusions and deceptions, integrity and honor, loyalty and courage, and travel protection.


Color: Variety but often blue or orange

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Abundant mindset, winning, success, desire and attractiveness, receptive to love, friendship and affection, intelligence and wisdom, flexibility, mental strength, protection and healing.


Color: Variety but often pink or green

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Avoiding scarcity mindset, abundance, prosperity, believing in yourself, cleansing and protection, clearing the mind, repel negative energies, protect from harm, protect emotions, peace and calm, quell worry and self doubt, reduce stress.


Turquoise is a brilliant and protective gem. It neutralizes negativity and vibrates with your own unique energy. When you’re socializing with others, it’s an excellent defensive barrier against pessimism.

Turquoise is a very soothing and healing color that brings optimism, joy, peace, and self-love. It may be used for grounding, defensive magick, or as a companion when you’re going through tough times or dealing with difficult people.

Color: Bright blue-green

Energy: Yin

Element: Water

Properties: Protection, subdue negativity, works with your personal energy, positivity, joy, happiness, grounding, defensive magick, luck and prosperity, love and attraction, empathy and compassion.


Color: Mottled green, orange, and other colors

Energy: Yin

Element: Earth

Properties: Connecting to nature, empathy with all living beings, animal magick, grounding, natural guidance, peace for all.


Color: Variety

Energy: Yang

Element: Fire

Properties: Abundant mindset, success, wealth, protection, cleansing and purification, balance and harmony, peace, healing and personal growth, receptive to love, joy.

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