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Rose Quartz Crystal: Meaning, Uses, and Powers

Rose Quartz Crystal Meaning

Rose quartz is one of the gentlest, yet most powerful stones in existence. Rosy pink in color and operating on the heart chakra, the stone embodies love and compassion. It has unique healing powers physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Rose quartz’s meaning is that of universal love– it can improve nearly every relationship and area of your life.

Rose quartz crystal’s meaning is of a healing crystal which emits strong loving energies to inspire compassion and unconditional love. It activates the heart chakra to improve relationships, encourage self-love, and find joy. The crystal is used to reduce stress, depression, and promote emotional healing.

Rose Quartz Crystal Summary

This article will give a thorough introduction to the rose quartz crystal, giving you everything you need to know in order to understand the stone’s meaning and how to use it in healing work and your life. Let’s look at a quick overview of rose quartz crystal, its meaning, properties, and healing qualities:

  • Color: Translucent Pink (ranges from pale to deep pink)
  • Chakra: Heart (primary), Base, Crown
  • Number: 7
  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Zodiac: Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn
  • Day: Friday
  • Energy: Yin / Feminine / Receptive
  • Tarot: Empress, Lovers
  • Sabbat: Ostara
  • Direction: SW
  • Deities: Angus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Chandra, Chang Xi, Cupid, Diana, Eros, Hecate, Isis, Kalfu, Luna, Selene, the Triple Goddess, Thoth, Turan, Venus, the Wiccan Goddess, Zulu
  • Physical Healing: Heart and Circulatory System, Lungs, Fertility and Menstrual Issues, Skin Issues, Anti-aging, Detoxification, Blocking EMF, Dementia, Pain Relief, Headaches, Sinus Issues, Mineral Deficiency, Kidneys, Vertigo, Fatigue
  • Emotional and Spiritual Healing: Loss, Grief, Trauma, Self-Love, Motherly Love, Nurturing, Compassion, Kindness, Stress Relief, Depression, Anxiety, Trust, Forgiveness, Anger, Emotional Resilience
  • Feng Shui Bagua Areas: Relationships (Kun), Health (Tai Qi), Knowledge (Gen), Fame (Li)

What is Rose Quartz Crystal?

Rose quartz is a beautiful and amazing crystal from the quartz family. Related to clear quartz, rose quartz is essentially clear quartz’s silica dioxide with a few other minerals present giving the stone its soft pink color. Rose quartz may be an incredibly common gem but do not underestimate it!

The crystal is a potent and powerful healer, with great capabilities in both the physical body and emotional realms. It’s very versatile and incredibly easy to use, so it’s a great stone for beginners!

Where Does Rose Quartz Crystal Come From?

Rose quartz crystal lives in the quartz family, which is one of the most common family of minerals on Earth.

Rose quartz can be found all over the world, although Madagascar’s rose quartz is considered to be of the highest energetic quality. But although common, the gem is highly prized in jewelry and decorative lapidary work.

Use of Rose Quartz Crystal in Ancient Civilizations

Rose quartz has been prized for its beauty and healing properties by ancient civilizations for centuries. The oldest pieces of jewelry containing rose quartz were found in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) which date back to 7,000 B.C.

Since then, rose quartz has been found in Assyria, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. In all these civilizations, the crystal represents romance, healing, and beauty. It was used for anti-aging treatment, protection of the dead, and drawing out beauty.

Several Greek and Roman mythologies describe the origin of rose quartz crystal. In fact, the early name for rose quartz was hyaline quartz, coming from the Greek word “hyalos” meaning “from glass”. 

Properties of Rose Quartz

The rosy, pinkish crystal is one of the most beautiful and hardest substances on Earth!

Rose quartz typically grows in small, intricate clusters. In its natural, raw state, you won’t find external faces on rose quartz and it rarely forms points. The crystal is polished and tumbled and you can find it in nearly any shape.

Rose quartz is one of the most common stones on Earth. That makes the crystal very affordable and you don’t need to worry about buying fake rose quartz.

The stone is also one of the hardest substances on the planet. It ranks at 7 on the MOHS hardness scale, which means that it’s very difficult to scratch or damage the crystal.

Rose Quartz vs. Pink Quartz

There is another variety of quartz which is often confused with rose quartz because they look very similar. This variety is called pink quartz and it’s actually much rarer than rose quartz. 

Pink quartz has a similar color but has greater clarity and different inclusions. It’s also subject to color fading over time, unlike rose quartz which maintains its color.

Color and Appearance of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is one of the most beautiful crystals in existence. It a variant of clear quartz, but given color by mineral inclusions like manganese, iron, titanium, aluminum, or phosphorous.

It’s most commonly a pale pink color, but it can range from light pink to red and even purple depending on the minerals present. Although delicate, rose quartz’s color will not fade over time. It’s quite stable and can withstand exposure to both heat and sunlight.

Rose quartz also ranges from nearly transparent to nearly opaque. The stone may also appear smoky, cloudy, or grainy.

The most expensive rose quartz will be translucent with vibrant color.

Rose Quartz Crystal Color Meaning

The pink color of rose quartz is a feminine color. It imbues the gem with a soft, feminine energy and connects it with the heart chakra.

While red is associated with a passionate energy, the delicate pink of rose quartz lends itself to the softer side of love– intimacy, connection, and shared experiences.

The crystal’s gentle energy produces feelings of compassion and love. It inspires contentment, calm, and peace. The stone brings comfort, empathy for self and others, and spiritual healing.

The femininity of rose quartz puts us in touch with the Goddess and universal feminine energies. Its pink color is excellent for finding romance, rekindling old relationships, or finding joy.

rose quartz crystal meaning raw rose quartz crystal

Rose Quartz Crystal Powers

The frequency of the stone itself, combined with the frequency of its color, is very powerful energetically. It’s estimated that rose quartz vibrates around 300-350 hertz.

This frequency makes it poised to resonate with specific areas of your body and spirit. And it communicates with and opens the heart chakra.

Rose quartz’s vibrations reach your cellular level, activating neuroplasticity which literally reprograms your body and mind.

Rose quartz is excellent for all types of love, whether romantic, platonic, or caretaking. It heals wounds from past relationships and soothes emotional trauma.

The stone is helpful in times of grief, bringing warmth and love to the spirit. It renews hope, eliminates negativity, and brings joy.

Rose Quartz Crystal Benefits

Rose quartz has a number of benefits stemming from the stone, its natural vibrational frequencies, and its color.

The stone has a frequency that tugs on the heartstrings and operates within the heart chakra. It lends itself to feminine energies, love, compassion, and harmony. It can promote emotional healing, resilience, and ability to connect with others.

This crystal of universal love draws people together, whether it be a couple, friends, parent and child, or any other relationship.

Rose quartz also has physical benefits as well. It soothes skin, assists the heart and lungs, and is great for feminine issues. The crystal slows dementia and can aid in migraines and insomnia.

One of the best benefits of rose quartz is its ease of use. It a simple yet and versatile stone and is perfect for beginners.

Just by being near the stone you can benefit from its powerful effects, which is why rose quartz is used in massage, reiki, and other energy healing tools.

Rose Quartz Crystal Meaning

Rose quartz’s meaning is that of universal love. It’s often called the Love Stone or the Heart Stone. It has a feminine (yin) energy and operates on the heart chakra. It’s truly a stone of pure love.

The stone’s meaning lies in love, compassion, comfort, and tenderness. Rose quartz is a vibrant healing stone that benefits everyone close to it.

The stone and its gentle vibrations can heal wounded relationships and create harmony. It can absorb negative energies from you and your environment. It reduces stress, remedy sadness, and put you in a state where you’re able to give and receive love.

This crystal keeps the vibrations of love around it, which is why it’s been used in jewelry and talismans since ancient times. It has powerful properties to enhance beauty as well, so it’s also been used in beauty products for centuries.

Rose quartz is a powerful healer both emotionally and physically as well. Its vibrations release stress and tension and can heal long-held emotional trauma. It represents steadfast friendship and unconditional love.

rose quartz crystal meaning polished rose quartz crystal

What Does Rose Quartz Attract?

Rose quartz crystal attracts love! It can certainly attract romantic love, as a sort of crystal cupid, but it draws love of all kinds. Any relationship you have can benefit from rose quartz.

The gem works on all areas of a relationship that can benefit from a little more love. It attracts empathy, communication, trust, forgiveness, and intimacy which are all a part of love.

Rose quartz is also known to attract creativity, joy, inspiration, happiness, and luck.

Rose Quartz Crystal Healing Properties

The stone of universal love is one of the best healers. Due to its beneficial frequencies, it has many therapeutic properties on all levels.

Although rose quartz’s vibrations are aligned to the heart, it can heal nearly all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit.

The crystal’s gentle and tender energy is the perfect emollient for stress, anxiety, depression, and calming the nervous system down. It heals negative emotions and related physiological conditions like insomnia. 

The stone’s goddess energy connection links it with the feminine divine. Rose quartz leads you to unconditional love for yourself. It teaches you how to mother yourself and engage in self-care.

Rose quartz can recharge the heart chakra and its soft lovely color inspires all types of affection. The stone brings new romance, deeper connections with friends and family, and healing from heartache. It will strengthen your other platonic relationships and grow kindness and compassion within yourself.

Emotional Healing with Rose Quartz Crystal

The love stone’s strong alignment with the heart is what makes it such an powerful emotional healer. It has a peaceful and gentle energy signature which soothes and calms as you release blockages and build emotional resilience.

Rose quartz’s calming resonance acts like a tender hug to release toxic energies and memories. It soothes losses and takes the edge off during emotional distress.

Rose quartz allows us to heal emotionally and open our hearts for both giving and receiving love. It teaches us that before we can love others, we must love ourselves.

By inviting love to be a daily part of our lives, we learn how to self-soothe. We are compassionate with ourselves, freeing us from the suffering and repressed patterns that keep us stuck.

Feeling grounded in love, we can heal from anything. We can mend from heartbreak, rebuild trust, and end loneliness.

We can further invite joy and abundance into our lives. Using rose quartz we can create inner peace within ourselves, allowing us to approach the world with kindness and hope.

Rose Quartz for Love

A master of love, the high vibrations of rose quartz attract and create love in a multifaceted way.

Rose quartz’s activation of the heart chakra enables love to flow through your freely. Its emotional healing qualities allow for the mending of wounds and traumas which disrupt healthy relationships.

The result is a stone that creates a balanced energetic state for you, allowing you to be open to healthy connection, nurturing, and happiness. 

While typically associated with romantic love and sexual relationships, rose quartz can grow any and all kind of love: self-love, family relationships, romantic partners, spouses, exes, business partners, coworkers, friends, children, and your community.

Romantic Love

Rose quartz is best known for its abilities in drawing romantic love. This is true whether you’re looking for a new love in your life, or want to mend or deepen an existing relationship.

Rose quartz’s powers are key in every areas of a relationship. Use it for easing disagreements and improving communication. Create emotional intimacy by opening your heart. Attract the right kind of person who is worthy of your unique gifts.

The stone will also prevent past emotional harms from affecting your present relationship.


Any kind of love starts from within. We must love ourselves first before we can expect it from others. Use rose quartz to strengthen and deepen your relationship with yourself.

Rose quartz can gently soothe self-criticism, self-doubt, and feeling down about yourself. It can illuminate your inner demons, curing them rather than letting them fester.

The stone lets us cultivate unconditional love for ourselves, accepting ourselves as perfect just the way we are. We can forgive our faults, trust ourselves, and acknowledge our special skills and abilities.

By illuminating our inner shadows, we can heal those areas using rose quartz’s gentle touch of light and love.

Motherly Love

Pregnant and expectant mothers (and fathers) have used rose quartz for centuries to bond with their children. Rose quartz creates a motherly presence, drawing out your natural caring and nurturing qualities.

Use rose quartz to create a strong bond between mother and child. Build compassion and unconditional love with a gentle touch.

Love in Other Relationships

Rose quartz can draw love in any relationship, no matter how platonic or distant. Improve relationships with friends, family, neighbors, and others in the community.

Use the stone to heal family or generational disagreements. Deepen your friendships and promote giving and receiving of support. Collaborate better with colleagues and prevent gossip in the workplace.

Rose Quartz for Trust and Forgiveness

After being betrayed in a relationship, we will naturally experience anger, frustration, and jealousy. We may fear that this person will hurt us again. Or that we will be hurt similarly in a future relationship. 

Use rose quartz to know that you deserve better, but also to cultivate forgiveness. Don’t hang onto the weight of hurt and anger forever. Let it go and move on to bigger and better things.

After a betrayal, learn how to trust again. Build trust with your current or future partner, and most importantly with yourself.

Rose Quartz for Stress Relief

The love stone is basically a big hug. When you feel stressed, let rose quartz wrap you in its tender embrace. It will promote calm, peace, and serenity within yourself.

Keep rose quartz near you to encourage relaxation and ease. Great places to keep the stone are in the bedroom, in your entryway, or anyplace that you relax.

Keep the crystal near you so you’ll be bathed in its energies and calming release.

Rose Quartz for Depression

The soothing, loving, light-filled vibrations of rose quartz are ideal for healing depression. Very often with depression the remedy is more love– love for self, love for others, and forgiveness.

Rose quartz’s tender yin energy is a gentle embrace to remind you that you are special. Use the crystal to soothe related conditions like addiction, eating disorder, and chronic anxiety.

Rose Quartz for Grief and Loss

Life holds great joy, but we can’t escape grief and loss which are essential parts of the human experience. Rose quartz can aid us in processing and healing from these devastating times.

Rose quartz can help in making peace with loss. Grief is truly a crisis so use the peaceful energy of the stone to bring you comfort and consolation in your time of need. Over time rose quartz will slowly mend your heart as well.

Rose Quartz for Trauma

Emotional trauma is one of the hardest things to heal. It is so painful and so jarring that we prefer not to even think about it.

We can’t see emotional trauma but it subconsciously motivates and steers us. It’s internalized emotions which represent the deepest and darkest parts of ourselves.

Rose quartz can help these painful memories surface, in order to let them go. The crystal will cushion the intense emotion and pain associated with the memory, and give us strength to process it.

Using rose quartz for trauma clears negative emotion blockages that keep us stuck. It shows us how strong we are, and that we’re a valued and loved person.

Rose Quartz for Emotional Resilience

We can use rose quartz to become more emotionally resilient and able to weather the ups and downs of life with grace and ease.

The stone lets us accept reality and our emotions without judgement. It teaches us to self-soothe and creates space to heal when bad things happen.

It increases our tolerance for discomfort. And rose quartz allows us to be a support for others as well.

rose quartz crystal meaning raw rose quartz crystal

Physical Healing with Rose Quartz Crystal

Rose quartz is a powerful healing stone that can promote physical health and realignment of the body. It has a gentle, soothing energy that stimulates the body’s natural self-healing.

Rose quartz can assist in many diverse body systems like the heart, lungs, muscles, brain, and others. It’s also an aid in mineral absorption, which has ripple effects across multiple processes of the body.

Even if you don’t use rose quartz to target a specific area of the body, the entire system can be stabilized from the compounding effects of rose quartz.

Always remember to never use crystals without the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. See our disclaimers for further information.

Heart and Circulatory System

Rose quartz can help with all number of issues related to the heart and blood circulation, aided by its connection to the heart chakra. 

Use rose quartz to reduce high blood pressure, improve circulation, prevent thrombosis and heart attack, and reduce palpitations.

To get the most benefit from the crystal, simply wear it as a necklace to keep it close to your heart. Try wearing it while exercising too to promote a strong and healthy heart.


The lungs and chest benefit greatly from rose quartz. Lung problems like cough, emphysema, breathing difficulties, etc can improve. Use the stone when quitting smoking as well, to help your lungs regenerate.

Reproductive and Fertility Issues

For centuries women and mothers have used the feminine powers of rose quartz.

The stone aids in menstrual and fertility problems. It prevents cramps and promotes menstrual regularity. Rose quartz is a great aid after gynecological surgery too.

Expectant mothers wear rose quartz to protect their unborn children. This encourages prenatal development and prevents miscarriage. It also ensures a smooth labor.

New mothers can use rose quartz to bond with their infant. Operating on the heart chakra, the gem will foster unconditional love, closeness, and strong caretaking.

Skin and Beauty

Since ancient times rose quartz was praised as an anti-aging beauty secret. There are records of it being used in face masks, rollers, and jewelry to promote beautiful skin and a youthful complexion.

Besides improving the skin’s complexion and preventing wrinkles, it’s effective on skin ailments. Rose quartz can treat scars, burns, rashes, psoriasis, and skin infections.

Rose quartz will brighten skin and give you a natural glow. In fact, many beauty products today are made with rose quartz like face rollers, gua sha tools, lotions, salves, and bath products.

Use rose quartz face roller before bedtime to let the crystal touch and soothe every area of your face. It will smooth wrinkles, reduce acne, and even skin tone. Or, take a crystal bath to luxuriate in the healing energies of rose quartz.


Due to its detoxification qualities, rose quartz crystal has been used in ancient times as an antidote for poison. It releases impurities from the body, cleansing and refreshing your body fluids. Rose quartz is also effective at blocking EMF from your body.

Diseases of Mental Dementia

Use rose quartz to promote good mental fitness and health as you age. It’s a stalwart against brain deterioration conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and senile dementia.

Pain Relief

The crystal is well-known for its use in pain relief, especially when it comes to headaches and migraines. Pay particular attention to sinus issues (especially sinus headaches) as these can be healed using rose quartz.

Mineral Deficiencies

Minerals are key components to every process and function in the body. Without them in the proper quantities, the body becomes disrupted and get sick.

Rose quartz allows minerals to travel from your blood steam to the organs and parts where they are needed. So this crystal can support nearly every system in the body.

How Long Does it Take Rose Quartz Crystal to Work?

Rose quartz is a fast-acting crystal in general. How deep your work is, how much energy there is to clear, and other factors affect how quickly you see results.

You can receive immediate effect simply by wearing rose quartz or keeping it near. It helps to “take the edge off” a negative environment, so you may feel a gentle softening right away. Spending some time with rose quartz can give you a quick “ahhh” type of feeling.

For more complex uses, it may take weeks or months of dedicated work before you reach the outcome or healing you desire. Complex traumas, heartbreak, and grief in general take a long time to heal with or without rose quartz.

Regardless of your application, the power of your intentions can greatly affect how rose quartz works. Greater consistency, regular cleansing and charging, and keeping the stone in close proximity can greatly speed up your process.

How to Use Rose Quartz Crystal

The powerful love stone of rose quartz is a versatile tool that can be used in a myriad of ways. Whether you’re using it to activate the heart chakra, inviting love into your home, or manifesting desires, you’re sure to find several great ways to incorporate rose quartz crystal into your life and spiritual rituals.

Most techniques and ritualized uses of rose quartz are simple and straightforward.

Wearing Rose Quartz

The crystal makes wonderful jewelry both for its beauty and its healing qualities. Keeping the stone close to your body is an effective way to connect with the stone’s energy. It’s beautiful soft color and feminine energy will make a great addition to your collection.

Rose quartz crystal near your body heightens your vibration and imbues a loving energy. The stone serves as a constant reminder that you are valued and treasured person.

In addition, wearing rose quartz allows you to continually connect with its energy. As you go about your day, it’s an excellent way to comfort yourself when you’re feeling sad, lonely, or angry. 

Common styles of rose quartz jewelry are necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. We prefer to wear a rose quartz pendant, as it keeps the stone close to your heart and increases its potency.

Rose quartz has also been used in amulets and talismans over the ages. It can make a powerful protective piece against threats and bad energies.

Rose Quartz In the Home

Invite loving and positive energies into your space by keeping rose quartz in the home. It’s not only useful but beautiful too! 

Keeping rose quartz in your environment attracts harmony and loving energies. You can place a rose quartz crystal in a specific room, or you can distribute crystals throughout your home to balance and rejuvenate the entire space.

Keep your stone in a location where you will see it prominently. You’ll deepen your self-love and compassion a bit more each day as you encounter it.

Rose quartz makes excellent home decor with its lovely color and joyful feelings it invites. Brighten and enliven your space with rose quartz table lamps, candle holders, side and coffee tables, and even bathtubs (yes really!). Place these items anywhere you need a reminder that you are loved.

Rose Quartz in the Bedroom

The Stone of Love belongs in the bedroom for good reason! Use it to inspire intimacy and connectedness. It’s not just great for romance– keep it to deepen communication, increase empathy, and create shared passions.

Keep rose quartz on your bed stand or under your pillow to get a good night’s sleep. It promotes restful and peaceful sleep, and can encourage pleasant dreams and inspirations. 

The stone can be used in children’s rooms too to combat fear of the dark, nightmares, and trouble sleeping through the night. We suggest using large rose quartz pieces that aren’t a choking hazard, or keeping the stone out of reach. See our disclaimers for more information.

Near an Infant’s Feeding Items

Keep newborns feeling loved and cared for with rose quartz. Wear a pendant to infuse breast milk with rose quartz’s loving energies, or keep the stone where you store bottle feeding items. The crystal will keep infants well fed, free of digestive issues, and boost their overall health. Ensure that rose quartz is not in reach of the infant. See our disclaimers for more information.

Rose Quartz In the Workplace

The workplace is commonly an area of stress, schedules, and pressure. Keep rose quartz at your workspace to maintain energetic protection. This is especially important since we spend 8+ hours a day in our offices or workplaces.

Keep the stone as a reminder that you are loved and supported. If your environment is particularly stressful, use a raw, unpolished cluster for the greatest effect.

Rose quartz lamps, jewelry, and decorative clusters fit in well at the workplace. If your workplace doesn’t permit jewelry, place a small piece in your pocket or shoe.

Rose Quartz In Beauty Products

The healing qualities of rose quartz are often infused into health and beauty routines. The crystal embodies timeless beauty and confidence, so it makes a natural complement within cosmetics and self-care routines.

Even the ancient Egyptians and Romans used rose quartz masks to enhance beauty– you should too!

You can find numerous grooming items fashioned from rose quartz, such as combs, gua sha massage tools, and facial rollers (pro tip: store rollers in the refrigerator!)

Rose quartz is commonly found as an energy infusion into skin and hair products like lotions, washes, spritzes, and elixirs.

You may buy products already made using rose quartz, or you can make your own. It’s quite easy to make rose quartz-infused water, which you can then add to any of your existing skin and hair products. Or, simply use the water as a spritz for your skin and around your home.

How to Make Rose Quartz Crystal Water

Making a rose quartz crystal elixir is easier than you think! 

First, fill a clear glass bowl with water. Spring water or filtered water is best. Place your rose quartz crystal inside the bowl. Feel free to add additional herbs or crystals to the water. Lavender, rosemary, and rose petals pair nicely with rose quartz and give a pleasant fragrance.

Place the bowl outdoors for several hours to charge. You can charge rose quartz crystal water in either sunlight or moonlight. Sunlight will have a more direct, masculine energy, and moonlight will have a softer, feminine energy.

Rose quartz crystal itself has a feminine energy itself, so charging with the moon will be complementary, while charging with the sun will add balance. Charge to suit you and your intentions. 

Before charging, meditate on the water for awhile. Focus on the healing energies you wish the rose quartz crystal water to have. Then leave the water outside for several hours to infuse it with your desired properties of rose quartz.

After charging, run through a strainer to remove crystals and herbs. For storage, use a dark-colored bottle to prevent UV light and bad energies from penetrating inside.

Use your water quickly, as it will lose its energy over time. There are many ways to use a rose quartz gem elixir.

  • Add the water to your favorite skin and beauty products like soap, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and toners.
  • Craft a homemade moisturizer using rose quartz crystal water, carrier oils, essential oils, and other ingredients.
  • Keep the water in a spray bottle, which you can spritz on your body to refresh your beauty and spirit.
  • Mist the rose quartz crystal water around your home to diffuse its energies of love. Spritz on bed linens, the entryway, on pillows, etc.
  • Spritz the water on clothing to invoke love and light wherever you go.

Rose Quartz Crystal Bath

Crystal baths are an easy way to realize the benefits of rose quartz on your skin. Simply draw a bath and place rose quartz around the tub or in the water itself.

Accentuate with any enhancements you like such as herbs, essential oils, or candles. Not only will the warm bath soothe your body, you’ll soak directly in the healing energies of rose quartz as well.

On an Altar

Rose quartz crystals belong on a powerful place on your altar or sacred space. Keep it on your daily altar to maintain a receptive, loving air there. Look for raw or polished crystals, candle holders, plates, and other altar items made from rose quartz.

A love altar is another great place for the stone. Create a special altar to use for self-love, compassion for others, or pursuit of a romantic love. Keep a rose quartz crystal on this altar and visit it daily.

If your wish is to cultivate a relationship, you can add additional items to the altar to increase its effectiveness:

  • Place a second crystal to represent both you and your beloved
  • Incorporate photos of your loved one
  • Keep pink candles on the altar
  • Form a heart shape using crystals and candles

Rose Quartz Crystal Meditations

Meditating with rose quartz crystal is a simple and powerful way to harness its healing powers. Any shape will work, but polished stones often work best in meditation due to their subtler energy.

Meditating with the crystal will reduce stress and help you find calm. It will provide a still vibe, letting you renew spiritually and reconnect to your dreams.

Use this type of meditation to work on compassion, encourage emotional healing, or promote gentle release.

Before starting, ask the gem for permission. Since you’ll be drawing on the crystal’s energies, make sure you and the stone are both in agreement. Focus on the stone’s kind and loving energy, and request that it assist you in your meditative practice.

Ensure your crystal is properly cleansed and activated before starting as well.

While meditating, choose a soothing mantra about love and care. Mantra repetition will assist you in ending negative patterns you’re stuck in. A few ideas:

  • “I am loved”
  • “I feel love in the world”
  • “I care deeply”
  • “I am a kind person”

Thank the crystal upon completion of your meditation. Its energy has assisted you, so express gratitude to the stone for its hard work. You may want to cleanse your crystal again, especially if negative energies or painful memories were brought up. 

Rose Quartz Crystal 5-Minute Meditation

Even sitting for just a few minutes with the stone can have profound benefits, especially if done regularly.

Closing your eyes and sitting just 5 minutes in a meditative state with rose quartz will allow you to feel its connection to the heart. You’ll benefit from its soothing energies and allow it to open up your heart chakra.

This short meditation is a great way to shift your energy towards love. Over time it will subtly let you forge deeper connections and greater intimacy.

Rose Quartz Gratitude Meditation

Rose quartz is the perfect stone to use to encourage gratitude. Gratitude is just unbounded love for all that we have, so the stone of love can easily assist.

While meditating with the gem, visualize sending light and love to every area of your life. Picture all the people you know, all the things in your home, all the places you visit. Imagine bright pink light shining from the crystal onto every aspect of your life.

Couple this visualization with a short gratitude mantra like “I am so lucky,” or “The world is wonderful,” or “I’m surrounded by love.

Take time to journal at the end of your exercise. This helps to uncover and clear stuck resentments, allowing gratitude to fill their place.

You can list specific things you are grateful for, or take note of acts of gratitude you wish to perform later on.

Rose Quartz Self-Love Meditation

Use rose quartz’s warmhearted embrace to love yourself. It’s human nature to make mistakes and to be critical of ourselves. But it’s amazing if we can forgive ourselves for our fallibility.

Self-love meditations are best if you write throughout to memorialize the good things about yourself. So make sure you have a notebook or pen and paper handy.

Sit quietly with rose quartz and try to relax your mind. After a few minutes when your mind has calmed down, listen for the small healing vibrations coming from the rose quartz.

Next begin a visualization.

Imagine that a white or pink light is emerging from the stone. It’s dim at first, barely illuminating the stone. After some time the light gets brighter, then brighter still. Its rays extend until they reach your skin.

Imagine this light filling your body up from head to toe. The light warms each area it touches and leaves you also softly glowing. 

Now pick up your journal and think of some positive about yourself. Start small and try to list 3 things. Here are a few ideas:

  • A reason you’re proud of yourself
  • Something you can forgive yourself for
  • A way you advocated for yourself
  • A unique abilities you have
  • A way you’ve helped others

Later on, refer back to this list anytime you’re feeling low or unworthy.

Rose Quartz Meditation for Intentions

Intentions on love pair nicely with the frequencies of rose quartz. Perform a simple meditation that amplifies and works with rose quartz’s heart-based vibrations to manifest your desire.

Sit down in your sacred space and ensure the room is quiet. In addition to your rose quartz, keep objects nearby which encourage love like rose petals, rose incense, or a pink candle

Relax and calm your mind. Focus on breathing and let the weight of your body sink into the ground. When you’ve reached a blissful state, picture your intention.

Are you looking for a new romantic interest? Summon compassion for others? Heal a relationship? Grow unconditional love?

Keep this desire in the front of your mind. Pick up the crystal, holding it in both hands and holding it near your heart. Ask for the vibrations of the stone to enter your heart, activating and amplifying your desire.

Inscribe your intention on a piece of parchment, which you can then keep near your rose quartz later on. You can also vocalize your intentions out loud, to further emphasize them next to the stone.

Once complete, leave the stone and parchment together in a place where you will see them everyday.

Rose Quartz Divination

This crystal is wonderful to use for many different types of divination.

A rose quartz pendulum or necklace is great for dowsing. Use the movement of the pendulum to find answers to your questions. It’s especially suited for questions of the heart.

Cleanse the crystal before beginning, and keep an open mind throughout your dowsing session.

Rose quartz crystal is also ideal for scrying. Use a polished stone, like a sphere or plate. You’ll allow your intuition to manifest in the reflective surface.

Be patient with your crystal as you search for answers. Scrying takes effort and dedication, so keep trying even if you don’t get answers right away.

Rose Quartz Crystal Grids

If you’re experienced in the art of crystals, rose quartz crystal grids are amazingly tuned tools. Using sacred geometry, they align the magickal properties of stones to focus and direct their energies.

Find a dedicated space in your home where the (often large) grid can remain undisturbed. Your altar is an excellent place to keep a grid.

Create a crystal grid entirely out of rose quartz, or use a variety of stones. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll describe a grid composed entirely of rose quartz below.

First, cleanse the space. Arrange the gems in the shape you desire. You can use any shape, but a heart shape is especially powerful with rose quartz. There are many unique and thoughtful crystal grid templates available online.

Once arranged, activate the grid with your intention. Concentrate on what powers you’d like the grid to have and visualize the rose quartz stone’s energy building up. 

Finally, say a prayer and thank your crystals for being a part of the grid. Now use the grid however you wish, whether it will be a focal point for meditation and prayer, used to charge objects, or a tool for manifestation.

Using Rose Quartz Crystals On Pets

Humans aren’t the only ones who can benefit from the therapeutic qualities of rose quartz, our pets can too! Use rose quartz whether your pet has a physical ailment, disease, or just seems a bit down.

Rose Quartz in Pet Beds

One of the easiest ways to heal your pets is by keeping a crystal in their bed. As your pet naps, the healing vibes of the stone will work their magic.

Safety is key, so ensure that they can’t eat the crystal. Try stitching the crystal into their bed so it’s not accessible.

Raw, natural stones may have too intense an energy for your pet. They might also be uncomfortable, since those stones are more jagged. So it’s often best to use tumbled stones. 

Observe your pet for a few days and see if they are enjoying the bed. If your pet has trouble sleeping, or starts sleeping elsewhere, the crystals may be too intense for them.

However if you notice they are sleeping well, and if you see an improvement in their condition, this is what you want to see!

Rose Quartz Pet Bowls

Let your pet drink their water from a healing crystal bowl. The water will become imbued with rose quartz’s healing and loving energies, and whenever your pet takes a sip they’ll benefit. 

Rose Quartz Healing Ritual with Pets

We can perform healing rituals with pets. Using a rose quartz point or wand, perform a healing exercise on your pet’s problematic area.

With the receptive end of the crystal, move it counter-clockwise and set your intention to drawing pain and discomfort from your pet. Then reverse the crystal, so the pointed end faces your pet. Move it clockwise, and direct positive loving energies into their pained area. 

Go slowly and see how your pet reacts. Not all pets will sit still for an exercise like this, and they may feel uncomfortable with the energy movement. So take your time and read your pet to see if they receive benefit.

Do Rose Quartz Crystals Ever Stop Working?

Rose quartz is a very sturdy, long-lasting crystal. Its color is resistant to fade and it can be exposed to water and other elements. Despite its ruggedness, you may find that your crystals are no longer working at their peak, especially after tackling difficult issues.

Perhaps the color has darkened or you can see dark lines in the crystal. Maybe you’ve dropped it, or it’s cracked from excessive wear. Or maybe you just don’t get the same power out of it after cleansing and charging.

Whatever the case, you can retire your stone whenever you see fit. There are many ways to respectfully retire a crystal:

  • Burying the stone
  • Placing the crystal into a natural body of water
  • Letting the stone rest in a quiet area of your home

Rose Quartz Chakras

The crystal resonates with the heart chakra. Rose quartz can open this chakra, opening you to love, caring, and healing.

The stone can unblock and balance the heart chakra, which can aid any relationship in your life, including the one with yourself. A few examples are:

  • Romantic Relationship: feeling worthy of love, healing heartbreak, finding a soulmate, nurturing your partner, avoiding codependence
  • Caretaking Relationship: fostering unconditional love, cultivating compassion, learning to mother, expressing warmth
  • Relationship with Self: healing emotional wounds and trauma, cultivating joy, spiritual growth, self-care, self-confidence
  • Platonic Relationships: being generous, expressing kindness, encouraging harmony, trusting others, expressing gratitude

An easy way to activate your heart chakra is by wearing a rose quartz necklace or pendant. This keeps the stone close to your heart.

Rose Quartz can be used with other chakras as well. In fact, it’s a great crystal to cleanse and recharge all your chakras. It balances yin-yang energy and brings your other chakras into harmony with the heart chakra.

Due to its red color energy, rose quartz gently activates the base chakra. Use it to stabilize bodily functions, increase range of movement, and build strength.

Rose quartz is also great to use with the crown chakra too. Use it to find to your higher self and connect to the divine within you. Allow it to awaken to your universal consciousness.

Rose Quartz and the Zodiac

Rose quartz is primarily associated with the planet Venus. The signs of Taurus and Libra are ruled by this planet, and so are interlinked with the crystal.

Rose Quartz and Taurus

Use rose quartz to soften the desires of the Taurus sign. The gem and its ruling planet Venus exude femininity, beauty, love, and softness. These qualities pair well with Taurus’s sensitivity and need for comfort.

Rose quartz can be used as a guide to lessen the natural stubbornness of Taurus, and bring desires into moderation. It can also transform Taurus’s natural hard work and passion into just “going with the flow”.

Rather than materialistic tendencies, rose quartz can help Taurus find their heart’s inner desires. And as the stone of love, it increases romantic feelings and passion.

Rose Quartz and Libra

Ruled by Venus, rose quartz is also associated with the zodiac sign of Libra. While Libras understand emotions well, they can lack rational judgement.

Rose quartz can be used to substitute fantasy thinking with realistic plans, especially in the realm of romance. The crystal enhances Libra’s emotional intelligence with good decision-making.

Rose Quartz Deities

Hearkening back to the myths of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, we associate rose quartz with Aphrodite, Venus, Eros, Cupid, and Isis.

Other deities surrounding love, beauty, romance, and fertility also correspond to this crystal. Look to Astarte, the Phoenician goddess of fertility and love; Angus, Irish god of youth, love, and poetry; and Turan, Etruscan goddess of love.

Rose quartz’s feminine energy and correspondence with the Element of water leads us to the Goddess and other moon deities. Explore the Triple Goddess, Diana, Selene, Luna, Artemis, Hecate, Thoth, Zulu, Chang Xi, Chandra, and Kalfu.

Rose Quartz Uses in Feng Shui

Rose Quartz is a natural stone that embodies feminine energy, which is called “yin qi” or a Yin energy. In addition, the stone’s pink coloring brings about healing, calm, and love.

When using rose quartz for feng shui, it’s best to use tumbled stones which have a gentler yin, a more feminine energy than a rough cluster would.


In the home, place rose quartz in the relationship (Kun) area on the feng shui bagua map. The placement of a pink crystal in the Kun position produces nurturing, self-care, and self-love. 

The Kun area can assist in marriage, caretaking relationships, mothering, and loving yourself. It restores the reproductive system and can strengthen existing romantic relationships.

The pink color of rose quartz is especially suited to this type of work, as pink is used in feng shui to attract love into your life.

Rose quartz in the bedroom in the Kun position is a perfect match. It encourages healing, opens the heart, and increases romantic feelings. Try putting a crystal near the bed or under your mattress.

Just like with the rose quartz altar for love, keep two crystals, symbolic of you and your current or future partner in the bedroom.

Tai Qi

An alternate place for the crystal is in the very center of your home, in the Health area of the bagua map (Tai Qi). Doing so creates positive energies throughout the home.

It will encourage compassion and restore imbalances. It provides healing for not just for the home’s occupants, but guests too.

Kun + Gen

To encourage stronger healing and self-compassion, place a stone in both the Kun (Relationship) and Gen (Knowledge) areas of the bagua map.

By working these two areas together, you’ll begin to heal yourself and your own heart.


Although we often associate rose quartz with compassion and empathy, there is a passionate, fiery quality to its energy. So in feng shui we harness its Fire energy by placing the crystal in the Li area of the bagua map. 

Placing rose quartz in this area draws a positive energy. It brings passion, enthusiasm, and a sunny quality. It can improve sex, bring creative enlightenment, and shine light on undiscovered areas.

Forms and Shapes of Rose Quartz

Like most crystals, rose quartz can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. It can be rough, polished, small, large, or anything in between. 

Rough rose quartz (also called natural), is the gem in its raw natural state. Its energy is a bit stronger and a bit more masculine than polished stones. Use raw rose quartz when you’ve got some tough issues to work through. 

Polished or tumbled rose quartz is much gentler. Since it’s processed and smooth, this type of crystal has a light and feminine yin energy. Polished pieces are great around the home to keep a constant, gentle presence of its loving energy.

Let’s look at some of the shapes in which you can find rose quartz.

Rose Quartz Cluster

A cluster is that rough, raw form of the crystal we described. It’s the gem’s natural state, so it’s very powerful and has quite a strong energy.

Use rose quartz clusters wherever you need a powerful energy. They’re perfect for protection, as well as for charging other tools.

Clusters tend to be more expensive, due to their beauty and rarity.

Rose Quartz Geodes

After clusters, rose quartz geodes are somewhere in between the raw and polished state. They are excellent for grounding and healing work.

Keep a rose quartz geode when meditating or working on spiritual growth. It will bring to light negative feelings, resentments, and fears that may be hiding in your subconscious, allowing them to heal.

Placing a rose quartz geode in your hand during your emotional healing practice to illuminate and soothe the shadowy areas of your mind and spirit.

Rose Quartz Points

This shape is best when amplifying intentions. Points concentrate and direct energy, allowing you to guide energy to a specific location or person.

They’re also highly effective at raising energy vibrations, and make an excellent addition to crystal grids.

Use a rose quartz crystal point with manifesting work. Use it in healing work to release blockages, balance chakras, and promote release. Hold the point facing your problematic area to direct positive energies into your body and aura.

Rose Quartz Crystal Wands

Crystal wands are used for a multitude of purposes because they can both draw and emit energy.

The rounded end of a wand is known as the “receptive” end which can draw out energy, and the pointed end of the wand emits energy. 

Using these two unique ends, we can perform healing work, direct intentions, unblock chakras, and work on physical release.

To do this, we first draw out negative energies using the receptive end. Hover the rounded end above the skin, moving in a counter-clockwise direction. This action draws out tension, negativity, and bad vibrations. It releases blocked chakras and cleanses the aura.

Then, now using the pointed end, hover the it above the skin move the wand in a clockwise direction. This action directs healing energy toward the space where we removed negativity. It focuses regenerative energies to the area and provides balance and chakra healing.

Rose Quartz Plates

Crystal plates are elongated and rounded flat stones. Plates can have either polished or rough edges, and they are commonly at least 7-8 in (18-20 cm) in diameter.

Rose quartz plates are great surfaces to store altar tools or to charge other crystals. Keep the plate on your altar and assemble other crystals on top of it.

Plates also make beautiful decorative items. They’ll fill your space with the warm loving energies of rose quartz and beautify your home at the same time.

Rose Quartz Spheres

Crystal spheres are the perfect complement to meditation. Their spherical shape and polished surface emits a gentle, consistent energy in all directions.

Spheres promote a harmonious environment, so they bring relaxation and calm. Keep a rose quartz sphere near you when you meditate.

The reflective surface of crystal spheres also make them excellent for scrying. Use them in scrying work to show you ways to improve and love yourself.

Rose Quartz Crystal Hearts

Being the stone of love, what better way to attract and invite love than with a rose quartz crystal heart! The heart shape reinforces the stone’s connection to the heart chakra and love of all forms.

Wear a heart-shaped crystal necklace to keep it close to your heart. It’s a quick and easy way to add a little love to your life.

Or gift a rose quartz heart to potential love interests, a family member struggling with grief, or a friend recovering from breakup.

How Can You Tell If Rose Quartz Is Real?

Since rose quartz is not rare, there’s not much incentive to sell fake stones. However real stones are usually not 100% transparent and they will in fact be slightly opaque. You may see visible color streaks or inclusions, like white and grey.

Is Rose Quartz Expensive?

Since it’s such a common mineral, rose quartz is generally not expensive. Unusual raw stones with special clarity, coloration, or size can be significantly more expensive though.

Where to Buy Rose Quartz

Natural rose quartz can be found readily and cheaply. There is a wide variety of rose quartz products available, so think about what your needs are before shopping.

Decide on the form of the crystal you need, whether it’s a cluster, sphere, point, etc. Or you might be looking for a pendant, bracelet, or other form of jewelry.

Make sure when buying the crystal you understand where it was sourced, and also that the stone is natural (not synthetic).

Pay attention to your energetic vibrations as you shop. The choices may seem endless, but you’ll know when you’ve found the right stone for you!

How to Care for Rose Quartz

Be wary of storing rose quartz next to other gemstones. Although it’s quite hard, it’s still prone to scratching by other crystals of a higher hardness. So envelop your quartz in a velvet bag rather than keeping it loose.

Although rose quartz’s color is stable and won’t fade from sunlight, you’ll want to avoid prolonged exposure in direct sunlight (i.e. several hours). This would cause nearly any crystal’s color to fade.

Store the stone in a jewelry or other special box away from heat and moisture. For larger items which you keep outside most of the time, just be sure it’s out of direct sunlight, and dust it regularly.

To clean your rose quartz, use warm water and gentle soap. Pat with a towel then allow it to air dry thoroughly. Avoid harsh cleansers, jewelry cleaners, or other chemicals.

Rose quartz won’t fade with occasional water washing.

How To Cleanse And Charge Rose Quartz

Rose quartz will be an energetic workhorse for you. It absorbs toxic energies from its environment. It dutifully picks up negative energy wherever you keep it.

So any time you use rose quartz, you’ll want to make sure your crystal is thoroughly cleansed and charged. Clearing allows the stored-up energy of rose quartz to be relseased and for the stone to return to its natural state.

Keeping your stone properly cleansed and charged is one of the most important things you can do in rose quartz work.

We suggest cleansing your stone before every use, if possible. At a minimum you should aim to cleanse your stone at regular intervals, and definitely before any healing rituals.

Be sure to clear your stone to remove old programming as well.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz

There are a variety of ways to clear and program rose quartz using the Elements. Use these techniques to purify your stone and return it to a neutral state.

With the techniques we’ll describe below, maintaining focus on your intentions is key. Visualize the crystal getting cleared of its negative vibrations, for instance bright light filling and spilling out from the stone.

Include additions you feel will promote cleansing and recharge. Things like incense, herbs, oils, or even another crystal can help.

After clearing and charging, give a short thank you to the crystal for its continued hard work and energetic support and the role it has in your life.

Now let’s look at a few techniques to cleanse your rose quartz crystal.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz with Salt Water

Soak your crystal in salt water to renew it. Mix 3 tbsp (15 mL) of sea salt per 1 cup (250 mL) of water.

Ocean water, river water, and spring water work best. If these are not available, distilled is your next best option, followed by tap water.

Let the stone rest in the salt water for several hours or days to cleanse its energies. Due to rose quartz’s hardness, this should not fade or discolor the stone in any way.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz in a Body of Water

Immerse rose quartz in a natural body of water. For this technique, you’ll need your intentions sharply focused on clearing, as the stone won’t be in the water very long.

Streams and especially waterfalls are excellent for this type of cleansing. Just be sure not to lose your stone!

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz with Smoke or Air

Clear rose quartz with smoke by burning incense of smudging sage. Move the smoke on all sides of the crystal. Once you see the smoke moving freely, and it doesn’t seem to be getting “stuck” near the rose quartz, the stone is cleansed.

You can also cleanse with air as well. Blow on the stone repeatedly, or position it in a crosswind within your home or apartment. Use the air’s movement to sweep away the stone’s bad energies.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz with Sound

One of the most effective cleansing methods for rose quartz is to clear it vibrationally with sound. The frequencies of the sound powerfully clear the stone’s energy.

Anything where you can get a distinct reverberation or echo will work here, such as Tibetan sound bowls or tuning forks.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz in the Earth

Using the Earth and its feminine, grounded frequencies, we can clear and charge rose quartz.

Bury your stone in the Earth, and be sure to place it somewhere that you will remember.

You may bury just the stone by itself, or enclose it in a small box or pot for protection.

Let the gem rest for several hours or days if you can. Then dig it up and rise it off before use again.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz in Moonlight

Rose quartz’s connection to the feminine divine make moonlight an excellent way to cleanse and clear the stone.

Full moons and new moons are best for charging rose quartz. Place your stone outside once it’s fully dark, and retrieve it at sunrise the next day. Throughout the night the stone will soak up the gentle yin energies of the moon.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz in Sunlight

Charge rose quartz in the sun if you want a stronger or more masculine energy imbued. The sun can also come in handy if you want to charge by the moon, but your ideal phase is days or weeks away.

Place your rose quartz stone outside in the sun for several hours. The hot and strong rays of the sun will incinerate bad energy that’s stuck in the stone.

Although rose quartz is resistant to fade, bright sunlight can still damage it. Never leave your stone in direct sunlight for more than a couple of hours.

How to Cleanse and Charge Rose Quartz with Selenite

Sometimes the best way to charge a crystal is with another crystal, such as selenite. (Check out the section on Rose Quartz Pairings for other crystals friendly to rose quartz)

Selenite is purifying and cleansing, and it amplifies the energy of what surrounds it. Charging rose quartz with selenite will refresh and recharge the quartz to its most lovely frequency.

The easiest way to charge rose quartz using selenite is with a selenite charging plate. This is a large, flat piece of selenite on which you can place objects.

A selenite charging plate is a great addition to an altar or sacred space. It can also be used as a permanent “charging bank” to both display and charge your rose quartz at the same time.

Rose Quartz Crystal Pairings and Combinations

Although rose quartz is powerful on its own, it’s useful and fun to combine it with other crystals.

Depending on the pairing crystal, you can amplify the powers of rose quartz, moderate them, or tailor them to a specific energetic quality that you’re looking for.

Rose quartz integrates well with a number of other stones. Stone of the same color may be complementary, or they can have qualities that offset one another.

Pairing crystals for healing works especially well with jewelry, since you can keep the two stones side-by-side (and next to your body) for prolonged periods.

Rose Quartz Paired with Selenite

Rose Quartz combined with Selenite has been used for centuries. It’s a great combination for spiritual development and personal growth. This combination is great for deepening growth in all areas of your life.

Selenite works as an excellent charging stone for rose quartz as well.

Rose Quartz Paired with Citrine

Pair citrine and rose quartz together to add adventure to your life. Use this combination if you’re craving new experiences in love or life.

It can also be used in the areas of money and fortune, especially if you want to be open to new financial and business adventures. 

Rose Quartz Paired with Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla, the stone of communication, matches well with rose quartz.

Alone, Chrysocolla brings enhanced expression, communication, and teaching. Together these stones are a powerful tool force in relationship communication issues.

Use rose quartz with chrysocolla for marriage problems or a disagreement with a friend.

Chrysocolla’s connection to the heart can also help balance and heal that chakra alongside rose quartz. It will regulate the loving energies in the universe within yourself.

Rose Quartz Paired with Ammolite

When paired with ammolite, the stone of perfection, rose quartz can bring astonishing outcomes.

The opal-like nature of ammolite’s colors works beautifully with rose quartz’s pale and gentle pink. Use this pairing to find true love.

The stone operates on the root chakra. As rose quartz works in the heart chakra, activating these two chakras together can restore balance in very powerful areas.

Rose Quartz Paired with Amethyst

Amethyst + rose quartz is a great combination to work deeply on your heart chakra. They both promote activation and healing of the chakra.

The pair aids in romance, beauty, relationship issues, and other love-based areas.

Amethyst engages the crown chakra. With its purple coloring, it makes a perfect complement and crown activator along with rose quartz. Crown activation is a great aid when looking for a soulmate.

Use the pairing to find answers to romantic problems, soothe depression, de-stress, and work on self-love.

Amethyst is a wonderful general-purpose tool– try recharging your rose quartz with amethyst.

Rose Quartz Paired with Emerald

Rose Quartz and Emerald are a potent combination because they both connect deeply to the energies of Venus. This pair produces a heart awakening.

Rose Quartz Paired with Tiger’s Eye

Combining tiger’s eye with rose quartz shows your heart’s desire true. It also encourages you to take steps toward achieving it.

Blue tiger’s eye especially enhances rose quartz’s ability. It allows you to find negative energy and clear it out of your aura.

Rose Quartz Paired with Moldavite

Moldavite works well with rose quartz because both stones operate on the heart chakra.

Use moldavite as a companion stone to create love and realize your spiritual depths.

Rose Quartz Paired with Clear Quartz

As another member of the quartz family, it has a lot in common with rose quartz.

Clear quartz is known for its power and all-around usefulness. Add clear quartz to amplify and strengthen rose quartz.

What Is The Meaning Of Rose Quartz?

The meaning of rose quartz is universal love. The stone’s gorgeous pink hue is perfect to encourage love and compassion. It operates on the heart chakra so the stone allows us to connect deeply with others. It’s the stone of parent-child bonding and can heal wounded relationships.

What Does it Mean When you Give Someone Rose Quartz Crystal?

Rose quartz crystal is an excellent gift for someone who you think can benefit from its loving and positive energies.

It’s a great healing crystal for any purpose, but it’s an especially good gift for a friend that is suffering. Give them the gift of love whether they’ve just suffered a breakup, divorce, loss, or other kind of trauma.


Healing with Rose Quartz CrystalsOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz MeaningOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz: Meaning, Healing Properties, and PowersOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz: Meaning & Healing PropertiesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz Meaning and UsesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz Healing PropertiesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz Meaning, Benefits, and OriginOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz Meanings and Crystal PropertiesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz Complete GuideOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz PropertiesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz Meaning & Healing PropertiesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz is a Heart-Healing CrystalOpens in a new tab.

5 Ways to Harness the Energy of Rose QuartzOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz CrystalOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz: Meaning and Healing PropertiesOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz History and LoreOpens in a new tab.

Rose Quartz GeologyOpens in a new tab.



Here’s What Halloween Means to Wiccans

what does halloween mean to wiccans

Halloween seems like a Wiccan-y holiday, right? The festivities take place at night, there are witches and dark costumes, and there’s magick and mischief. And what about the Wiccan sabbat of Samhain, which falls at the same time? Is that the same thing as Halloween, or is it a different holiday altogether? Do Wiccans celebrate just one holiday, or the other, or both? We’ll cover all these questions and more as we discuss what Halloween means to Wiccans.

Halloween falls on a Wiccan sabbat called Samhain. Wiccans celebrate Samhain by paying respect to nature, honoring the dead, holding bonfires, and communicating with spirits. They may engage in modern Halloween activities, many of which resemble ancient Samhain customs like carving Jack’O’Lanterns.

Modern Halloween actually originated with the old Celtic holiday Samhain – however, it’s become heavily commercialized over the years. Samhain was originally based on nature, the harvest, and honoring the spirits and one’s ancestors. Read on to learn more about what Halloween means to Wiccans, the origins of Halloween, and how Wiccans celebrate Samhain.

Do Wiccans Celebrate Halloween?

Many Wiccans do celebrate the modern Halloween of costumes and candy, but others prefer to celebrate Samhain. Samhain (pronounced “sah-win”) begins on the evening of October 31 and ends on the evening of November 1. It has Celtic origins and is the celebration of a bountiful harvest season coming to a close, and honoring the dead.

Keep in mind that the dates for Wiccan Sabbats are based on the dates in the Northern Hemisphere. While some in the Southern Hemisphere choose to celebrate the Sabbats on the same days as the Northern half of the world, many choose to celebrate the six months opposite to follow their own changing of seasons and equinoxes.

Wiccans and Celts aren’t the only religions and cultures that consider October 31 a spiritual day. For example, there is:

  • All Saints’ Day
  • Día de Los Muertos 
  • Allantide
  • Día de la Canción Criolla

Each of these holidays is based on the changing of the seasonsOpens in a new tab.

It’s interesting to note that many cultures chose this particular date to honor the dead, without one another’s influence. Across both time and geography, multiple cultures all settled on the same importance for this date.

One explanation of the selection of the same date is believed to be based on seasonal events. In the winter, much of the foliage dies, food becomes scarce, and fewer animals are out and about. This led people to believe that the coming of winter was symbolic of death.

Samhain History and the Origin of Halloween

Samhain is not exclusive to Wiccans — in fact, it didn’t originate with Wiccans at all. It was essentially “adopted” by Wiccans around the 1980s.

Wicca itself is not Celtic but it does borrow many Celtic influences, as you’ll see throughout this article. In fact, most Wiccan practices involve traditions and mythology from Western European Pagan practices, and Samhain is no exception.

What Is Samhain, Exactly?

Samhain, or “summer’s end,” is a Celtic event marking the end of the harvest. Celebrations include feasts, bonfires, and communion with spirits. Honoring the dead is a common practice — the “veil” between the world of the living and dead (aos sí) is at its thinnest during this time.

By the 9th century, the Western Church declared that November 1 would be “All Saints’ Day.” Later, November 2 became “All Souls’ Day.” It’s believed that over time, Samhain, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day influenced one another and became what we know today as HalloweenOpens in a new tab.

Trick or Treating

During Samhain celebrations in Scotland, people would dress as the ao sí and go around from house to house or farm to farm requesting offerings. They’d often sing songs in exchange for food. The people would provide offerings on behalf of the spirits, as they believed that not doing so would bring misfortune.

In Ireland, before nightfall, peasants donned costumes and went around asking for food for the Samhain feast. Many people obliged, believing that the offerings would bring good fortune. If the peasants were not welcomed or provided offerings, they would threaten homeowners and farmers with mischief.

This is, perhaps, the beginning of the “trick” aspect of trick-or-treating. Playing pranks has been recorded in dozens of texts, including literature from 1736 in the Scottish Highlands. This is part of the reason why Samhain was sometimes referred to as “Mischief Night.”Opens in a new tab.

The practice of wearing costumes on the night of October 31 eventually spread to England in the 20th century, as did the tradition of pranks. Over time, the tradition would carry over to the United States with Irish and Scottish immigrants, becoming what we know today as Halloween.


While out in search of food and offerings for the Samhain feast, people would illuminate their way with candles inside hollowed-out turnips or beets, often carved with frightening faces. These makeshift lanterns were also set on windowsills, and those who carried them or made them believed they represented the spirits and were used to keep evil spirits at bay. 

As with the wearing of costumes, the practice of carving root vegetablesOpens in a new tab.

What Does Samhain Mean to Wiccans?

Celtic Neo-Pagans and Wiccans both observe Samhain as a religious holiday, with Wiccans essentially celebrating a variation of Samhain. It’s one of the yearly Sabbats on the Wiccan “Wheel of the Year” — an annual calendar showcasing the seasonal festivals observed by Wiccans and other modern-day Pagans. The Wheel of the Year also has some origins in Ireland and Scotland — the Celts believed that time was cyclical.

Samhain is often referred to as a festival of darkness — but not in the way that Hollywood and the media would have you believe. “Darkness” doesn’t refer to “evil.” Rather, it refers to the changing of seasons, when the world continues to darken as the days become shorter and daylight scarcer. The spring celebration of Beltane, on the other hand, is considered a “celebration of light” as it signals when the days become longer.

Considered the most important Sabbat, Samhain is a time when Wiccans honor those who have passed on. Wiccans may hold rituals, do spellwork, and even invite the dead to attend their festivities.

To Wiccans, Samhain means the end of summer and the beginning of winter and is a time to honor the dead. The veil between the mortal world and the world of souls is thin. Wiccans may welcome spirits passing through and help send lost souls to the “Otherworld,” similar to Día de Los Muertos rituals.

What Do Wiccans Do on Halloween?

Many Wiccans participate in contemporary celebrations on Halloween, with costumes, parties, food, and friends. Others, however, celebrate a traditional Samhain. They pay respect to nature, honor the dead, perform rituals, cast spells, make bonfires, communicate with spirits, and reflect on the past year.

I’ll cover what many Wiccans do on Halloween more in-depth below:

Pay Respect to Nature

While honoring nature is a significant part of Wiccan practice, it’s even more important on Samhain once winter is afoot. It’s a time to be thankful for what nature has given us throughout the year. 

To honor natureOpens in a new tab.

Honor the Dead

During Samhain, it’s believed that the dead revisit places they once lived or frequented in search of hospitality. Because of this belief, Wiccans choose to honor the dead at this time. Some may even perform séances to connect with lost loved ones.

There are literally thousands of ways that Wiccans honor the dead on Samhain. Here are just a few:

  • Researching family history
  • Visiting the grave plots of those who’ve passed on
  • Hosting dinner with empty chairs for spirits
  • Placing photographs of the dead on their altar

Some Wiccans open their windows on the night of Samhain to allow any lost souls to leave and enter the Otherworld, or afterlife. This, too, is a Celtic tradition.

Samhain Decorations and Your Altar

Wiccans often change their altars with the changing of the seasons to represent the cyclical nature of time. Decorating altars during SamhainOpens in a new tab.

Some may add natural decorations to their altars, such as apple seeds, pine cones, rosemary, or autumn leaves. Wiccans may also use incense that corresponds with the year, such as sandalwood or patchouli for Samhain.

Others take it up a notch, decorating their altars with offerings of bounty for the spirits, including squash, pumpkins, gourds, or radishes.

Rituals, Spellwork, and Divination

The Celtic people believed that hazelnuts symbolized divine wisdom. Therefore, they often utilized hazelnuts for divination purposes, particularly relating to relationships or marriage.

One such practice involved roasting two hazelnuts, each representing a person — one for the person seeking wisdom and the other for the person they hoped to marry. It was considered an unfortunate sign if the nuts “popped” out of the fire. However, if the nuts sat and roasted without incident, it was considered a favorable match.

Another Celtic divination practice included using egg whites. They would drop the whites of eggs into a glass of water and peer into the glass. Any numbers witnessed by the seer would foretell the number of future children for the person receiving the “reading.”

Some Wiccans still perform the above divination methods to keep with tradition, but it’s up to each practitioner to decide how they choose to celebrate Samhain. Many Wiccans offer up Tarot readings, toss Runes, use a scrying ball, or even divine with flames or incense smoke.

During Samhain, energy levels are high — and Wiccans know and take advantage of this energy peak to enhance their rituals and spellwork.


Bonfires have long been a Halloween tradition. This is likely related to the hilltop bonfiresOpens in a new tab.

It’s believed that bonfires were a form of imitative magick — the fire itself is symbolic of the sun, its warmth and light keeping the cold, darkness of winter at bay. The burning of wood, crops, and animal sacrifices to the Celtic deities also represented the destroying of harmful influences — and it’s not just the fire that’s considered powerful. The smoke and ashes are considered to have protective and cleansing properties, respectively.

Because of these Celtic traditions, many Wiccans hold ritual bonfires during Samhain. They may write down bad habits or memories that they wish to release and cast them into the fire to banish those negative influences. Afterward, they may dance or walk around the fire in a clockwise direction while envisioning a better life.

Communicate With Spirits and Souls

As noted earlier, Samhain was seen as a day when spiritual energy peaked, and our world was closer than ever to the spirit world. This, to the Celts, meant that spirits could easily enter our world. 

Many believed that they had to appease the spirits to ensure good fortune throughout the upcoming winter. To do this, people would leave offerings outside of their homes in hopes that they, their families, and livestock would make it through the cold, dark months ahead.

Wiccans may participate in communion with the spirits by holding séances, meditating, or asking the ancestors or spirits to protect and guide them in the upcoming year.

Contemplate and Give Thanks

In addition to honoring the dead, Samhain is a time of reflection. Often referred to as the “Witches’ New Year,” this is a time to look to the past for answers on how to better your future. 

Many Wiccans spend a great deal of time contemplating and reflecting on life in general, their past, and their goals, hopes, and dreams. Some questions you might ask yourself during this time include:

  • What did you learn about yourself this year?
  • Did your plans come to fruition?
  • What are your new plans and goals?

If they keep a Book of Shadows, some Wiccans may revisit it to see what worked and what didn’t. They may tweak their spells and rituals as necessary for the coming year.

Some may meditate during Samhain in order to reflect and grow.

Wiccan Autumn Sabbats

Wiccans celebrate many seasonal events, as shown by the Wheel of the Year. Samhain is one of four “greater Sabbats” but should not be confused with the Autumnal equinox celebration of Mabon.

Mabon (September 20–22)

Mabon is another Autumn Sabbat and takes place during the Autumnal equinox. While Samhain is the third and final harvest of the year, Mabon is the prior (2nd) harvest.

Considered a time of balance, Mabon is celebrated by Wiccans with a focus on gratitude. Historically, the gratitude was for a bountiful harvest, but today, it’s more about gratitude in general — for nature, food, friends, family.

During Mabon, Wiccans may pick apples, perform rituals using in-season herbs and plants (such as cinnamon, apple, rosemary, or sage), or even adorn their altar with symbols of the season. Other Wiccans may celebrate with a feast.

Samhain (October 31- Nov 1)

As mentioned, Samhain is originally a Celtic holiday but has been adopted by Wiccans and other Pagan communities. The Witches’ New Year is considered a time to celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This season of transformation is associated with the underworld and land of the dead, which is why it’s so important to honor the spirits during this time.

Can Anyone Celebrate Samhain?

Anyone can celebrate Samhain regardless of their religious or spiritual affiliation. Samhain originated with Celtic culture — it is not exclusive to Wicca or witchcraft in general. Celebrating Samhain is essentially honoring nature and the dead, which is something that anyone can do.

There are no set rituals, guidelines, or rules for Samhain, but the main purpose is to honor the dead. Wiccans, witches, other Pagans, and even those with no affiliation should feel free to celebrate Samhain.

Wiccans may cast Circles, open portals to the Otherworld, provide offerings outdoors for wandering spirits, or set up altars with pictures of the deceased — and others can use or adapt these practices however they see fit.

October’s Full Moon

In addition to the eight Sabbats, Wiccans celebrate “Esbats,” or monthly Sabbats, usually observed on the Full Moon. These celebrations typically honor the Goddess, and each presents with its own theme depending on the time of year.

For example, the Full Moon in October is referred to by many names:

  • Blood Moon
  • Hunter’s Moon
  • Sanguine Moon

October’s Full Moon earned these monikers thanks to the traditional fall hunting season, when farmers would store meat for the upcoming winter months.

Around this time, the cold, crisp air really sets in, and the nights become darker. Many Wiccans use the Full Moon to focus on divination, communication with the dead, psychic development, and intuition.

Herbal magick is common during the Esbats, and Wiccans often concoct with herbs, spices, and plants. Cinnamon bark, sweet wormwood, squash leaves, basil, lavender, and rosemary are all common. Dark colors may be involved in rituals to symbolize the night, such as black, deep blues, and dark purples. Deep reds, oranges, browns, and dark greens may also be utilized to represent the harvest.


Historically, Samhain was an incredibly rich custom of incredible importance to the Celtic people. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, a lot of the tradition was lost or changed over time. Fortunately, however, the practice has never been forgotten. Despite not being Celtic in nature, modern Wiccans continue to keep these traditions alive.

Samhain may not be filled with as much mischief as was prevalent in Scotland, but Samhain still persists as a special time filled with immense spiritual power. It’s a great addition or complement to a modern Halloween celebration.


How To Make a Wiccan Handfasting Cord

how to make a wiccan handfasting cord

Handfasting ceremonies have long been a part of Pagan history. Present-day Wiccans still choose handfasting ceremonies as a symbolic way to bind two souls together. While the exchanging of rings is becoming a more popular form of Wiccan wedding symbolism these days, many still opt to have a traditional handfasting ceremony. And this ancient ceremony is most memorable when crafting your own special and heartfelt handfasting cord to represent your unity. 

Here’s how to make a handfasting cord for a Wiccan ceremony: 

  1. Choose the material for your cord. 
  2. Choose the color or colors you want to use. 
  3. Measure and cut the cord to 6 feet (1.82 m) long. 
  4. Cast your wishes and intentions as you braid the cord. 
  5. Decorate the cord with meaningful charms. 
  6. Prevent the cord from fraying
  7. Keep the cord in a safe place until the ceremony. 

Whether you are planning a traditional Wiccan handfasting ceremony or simply incorporating the handfasting cord into your modern unity celebrations, I will go over everything you need to know about making a handfasting cord. This article highlights the history of handfasting, the symbolism of the cord, what the ceremony entails, and what it takes to create your own beautiful Wiccan handfasting cord. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know! 

1. Choose the Material for Your Cord

The first step in making your own Wiccan handfasting cord is choosing the material you want to use. Materials like ribbon and string are much easier to braid, especially if there are several strands. Some will opt for several strands of cord and choose not to weave them together. You can also combine different materials to make your handfasting cord unique!

2. Choose the Color or Colors You Want to Use

Color magick can be a part of creating a Wiccan handfasting cord and is often practiced during color selection. Choose colors that are important to you and your partner and ones that symbolize your desire to bind together. 

You can learn more about color magick by reading Practical Color MagickOpens in a new tab.

Colors that are commonly seenOpens in a new tab.

  • White: The color white stands for purity and devotion. White also represents peace, making it a common choice for couples looking to unify. 
  • Black: Black might seem like a dismal color for such a happy occasion, but black represents wisdom, success, and strength. 
  • Blue: Blue stands for safety and fidelity. Blue is a good color choice as couples begin to journey together. 
  • Red: Passion, love, courage, and strength are found in the color red. These types of intentions are often the heartbeat behind couples coming together. Red also represents fertility and may be used if the couple want to conceive soon.
  • Pink: While the general public often discounts the color pink as something “frilly” or “girly,” it actually has a much deeper meaning in Wiccan handfasting ceremonies. Pink represents romance, happiness, truth, honor, and unity – all things you want in a successful union. 
  • Green: While green isn’t used as often as the above colors, some people weave a single strand of green into the cord in hopes that they’ll receive all the things the color represents: prosperity, financial security, fertility, and good health.
  • Gold: Gold lasts and endures, so it’s no surprise that the color in a Wiccan handfasting cord represents longevity. It can also be a wish for prosperity.

These colors are standard but not the end-all-be-all! Colors like purple (sanctity and sentimentality) or yellow (balance and harmony) may be of significance to you and your partner(s). Include as many colors as you’d like in the handfasting cord. 

Some people weave in several colors together, or even one of every color into their cords! Having multiple colors encompasses a wider spectrum colors, correspondences, and good wishes. For an example of what that might look like, check out Handfasting Heaven’s Rainbow Handfasting CordOpens in a new tab.

3. Measure and Cut the Cord to 6 Feet (1.82 m) Long

The next step is to cut the cord (or whatever material you chose) to about 6 feet (1.82 m) in length. The cord needs to be long enough to wrap around you and your partner’s hands several times. It will shorten even more if you are braiding the cord, so 6 feet (1.82 m) of length gives you enough rope to use. 

4. Cast Your Wishes and Intentions As You Braid the Cord 

The beauty of making a handfasting cord yourself is the ability to cast whatever wishes and intentions you like into it.

Making Your Own Wiccan Handfasting Cord

If you and your partner(s) are creating your own handfasting cord, select a quiet spot where you can work together in peace. Beforehand, discuss positive intentions and wishes that you want to manifest during your time together. As you create the cord, cast those intentions into the material. This ritual will improve intimacy between you in anticipation of your handfasting ceremony. 

Making a Wiccan Handfasting Cord for Others

Some couples wish to have friends, family, or coven members create their handfasting cord for them. If you are making a cord for another couple, speak to them before crafting to discuss their intentions and desires. With their permission, cast positive spells for love and intimacy as you create their cord.

If you are braiding the cord: 

  1. Start by tying a knot with a 4 to 5-inch (10 to 13 cm) tail. 
  2. Continue to make the braid, leaving another knot at the end with another tail. 
  3. Consider alternative styles of braiding, besides the typical plait (i.e. how hair braiding is done)

If the cord is not braided, simply tie knots of both ends, still leaving a 4 to 5-inch (10 to 13 cm) tail. 

Purchasing a Handfasting Cord

Sometimes the option to create a handfasting cord is out of the question, especially if the handfasting ceremony is last-minute. Handfasting cords can be found at trusted Wiccan shops or purchased online like this Black Moon Wiccan Wedding Handfasting CordOpens in a new tab.

Just be careful buying them online, especially if you need them last-minute, as many are custom-made for each individual order. As a result, it may be six to ten days before the cord ships. 

5. Decorate the Cord With Meaningful Charms 

Another way to symbolically personalize your handfasting cord is to decorate the tails. By selecting beads, tiny crystals, charms with symbols, and perhaps more ribbon, you can add further personalization and intention to the handfasting cord. 

Crystals can be charged by the sun and moon to balance masculine and feminine energy and then tied tightly into the tail-end. 

You can increase color magick by including beads while you make the braid. Tie in some charms with important symbols, like the pentagramOpens in a new tab.

For example, you can buy this Sterling Silver Wiccan Witch’s Knot Pendant on Amazon. It’s handmade from authentic 925 sterling silver and looks stunning. 

6. Prevent the Cord from Fraying

After you’ve put so much work into your Wiccan handfasting cord, and to keep it looking good for years to come, consider sealing the ends to prevent it from fraying. There are many ways to stop a cord or rope from fraying, including cauterization, slicing with a hot knife, splicing, whipping, and end caps.

A comprehensive guide on preventing fray can be found hereOpens in a new tab.

7. Keep the Cord in a Safe Place Until the Ceremony

Now that the handfasting cord is completed, ensure that all intentions and wishes have been cast. Keep the cord in a safe area until the day of the ceremony and ensure the space around the cord is sacred and free of negative energy. The handfasting cord can be left on an altar, or charged crystals can be placed around it in a safe space. 

You can also purchase or craft a decorative box to store the cord. Not only will the box protect the cord, but it will make a wonderful keepsake.

Some choose to let the handfasting cord charge in the moon or sunlight if the time allows. There is power and authority given by the sunOpens in a new tab.

The History of Handfasting 

12th Century England

Handfasting was a common term in 12th century England and dictated a couple’s intention for marriage, or that they have made a public announcement that they are indeed married. Even without a proper wedding ceremony, these vows were known to be binding if the couple chose to consummate. But often, if the couple remained abstinent, the vows could be broken like any engagement. 

At that time, “handfasting” included clasping the right hand of a partner and verbally accepting each other as husband and wife. It was still expected that the couple would officially become betrothed by a clergy member sometime after handfasting. By the 17th century, a law had passed that required the Crown or a priest to officiate weddings, so handfasting faded into what we now call engagement. 

“A Year and One Day” Handfasting in Scotland

In the 1600s, handfasting was quite ordinary in Scotland as a binding vow in both private and public affairs. The lack of clergy officiants meant that it would often take weeks for someone to arrive and officiate a wedding, so handfasting was a way to “bind together” in the meantime. Some couples would choose to have their marriage official when an officiant arrived, while others continued with their lives as a handfasted couple. 

Scotland is also known as the birthplaceOpens in a new tab.

The thought behind this commitment is manifold: Some say it takes a year to know someone honestly; others say it symbolizes a common-law partnership. Others marked this span of time as simply a time to be together until “making it official.” There is not much evidence supporting if the “one year and one-day” handfasting was common or not, but the folklore has lived on, and these handfasting terms are still honored by some today. 

Pagan and Wiccan Handfasting

During the Witch Trials that remained in England from the 15th to 17th century, those who practiced magic were targeted and therefore resorted to hiding and meeting in secret. It was known that Magickal handfasting ceremonies took place in private for many who the church would otherwise condemn, like Pagans, Druids, and those who practiced witchcraft. 

The Witchcraft Laws were repealedOpens in a new tab.

Today, Wiccan handfasting ceremonies are a common choice among those who practice. Some couples choose to be bound together for life and may or may not have the marriage legalized by government standards. Others choose to be unified for a shorter period, like the traditional one year and one day. 

The Symbolism Behind the Handfasting Cord

The use of a cord during a wedding ceremony dates back to ancient Celtic times. A rope or ribbon was wrapped around the couple’s hands, symbolizing their pledge to be bound together forever. In fact, this is where we adopted the common phrase “tying the knot.”

Although ring-exchanging became a more popular choice of symbolism, some people include the handfasting cord as a part of their wedding ceremony. For Wicca, the handfasting cord is symbolic, and there is thought and care when choosing or creating the cord. The colors, charms, and even the amount of strands can symbolize many things, and the rope holds the couple’s intentions as they unite together. 

The Wiccan Handfasting Ceremony 

As I said earlier, the tying of hands is still seen in traditional weddings across cultures and religions. For Wiccans that are looking to unify, a handfasting ceremony takes place. 

You may choose a handfasting ceremony instead of a traditional wedding if: 

So, what does a Wiccan handfasting ceremony include? 

On an important day at an important time, a couple will choose a location (typically outdoors to connect with Wicca beliefs) to hold a ceremony. A circle is made with either rope, crystals, or a combination of both. The officiant and the couple will stand within the circle. Guests will stand outside of the ring, holding hands as a sign of unity and strength. 

The officiant will call upon spirits, gods, and goddesses upon request of the couple to witness the ceremony. The couple holds hands as they exchange whatever vows they wish to make.

With the couple’s hands clasped, the officiant (in addition to a family or friend if desired) will tie the handfasting cord around the couple’s hands in a figure eight. Depending on the couple’s wishes, the officiant can speak a binding spell while the couple has their hands wrapped in the handfasting cord. 

The officiant will announce the duration of the couple’s unity, whether it is until death or another length of time determined by the couple. The couple can keep their hands bound together side-by-side throughout their festivities of the day, or they can unbind themselves after the ceremony. Couples will cherish their handfasting cord after the ceremony, keeping it in a safe spot for the remainder of their days together

Final Thoughts on How to Make a Wiccan Handfasting Cord

While handfasting is rooted in English history as a means to wed, handfasting was the only option for witches to unite during the Witch Trials. When Witchcraft laws were put to rest in the 1950s, modern Wiccans brought handfasting ceremonies back to life to abstain from Christian influences. 

Wicca handfasting ceremonies involve a crafted handfasting cord wrapped in a figure eight around the couple’s clasped hands. Magick is used to bind the couple together for their chosen length of time. The handfasting cord is then cherished throughout their time together. Handfasting cords are symbolic and simple to create! 


Does Wicca Have a Sacred Text?

does wicca have a sacred text

First developed in the 1970s, Wicca is a relatively new religion. Inspired by ancient pagan worship, the religion is highly decentralized. Unlike the structure in many mainstream religions, there is no central authority in the Wicca. And similarly, unlike most religions, Wicca does not have a single, centralized doctrine or book.

Wiccans do not have a singular sacred text (like the Bible or Qur’an), but they often hold some texts in high regard like the Wiccan Rede, Rule of Three, and the 13 Principles of Wicca. Wiccans also create their own personal sacred books known as a Book of Shadows, Book of Ways, The Tree, or Grimoire.

Whether you’re interested in initiating into the world of Wicca or just curious about the religion itself, this article serves to help you learn more. In it, I’ll discuss things to know about Wicca and its sacred texts, including information regarding significant historical texts, the personal Book of Shadows, and the Wiccan Rede. I’ll also discuss how to implement Wiccan practices into your daily life and how to make your very own Book of Shadows.

Things To Know About Wicca and Its Sacred Texts

If you’re new to Wicca, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of misconceptions surrounding this beautiful religion. Many of these misconceptions may be attributed to misinformation spread by Abrahamic religions, Hollywood, and the media. So, if you’re a newbie, please keep an open mind while reading, and leave your preconceptions behind!

With that said, let’s dive into some information regarding Wicca and some of the more popular Wicca-related texts, often used by Wiccan practitioners.

1. Wicca Does Not Have a Central Sacred Text

While there are many books on the market with titles such as “The Wiccan BibleOpens in a new tab.

Wicca is not particularly structured when compared to most religions. Many Wiccan practitioners are solitary, so they have no formal religious organization. 

Others are part of a coven, which is a small group that meets privately and isn’t generally open to the community at large. Covens offer initiation rites and a more structured foundation for those who prefer learning in a group. They provide a way for practitioners to interact with other practicing Wiccans within a group setting. 

Many covens have their own texts that they use as a guide for spells, rituals, and initiation. These books differ between covens and, therefore, are not considered central sacred and religious texts.

Wiccans often pick and choose their favorite texts based on what resonates with them – and there are many books related to both Wicca and The Craft (if that Wiccan practices magick). Personal research is a huge part of Wicca.

2. Some Texts Are Considered Sacred – But Not by All Wiccans

Some historical texts are considered sacred by Wiccans, but they do not serve as the basis of Wiccan practice, nor do all Wiccans use the same books.

Wicca is highly personalized. Many practitioners utilize books as tools on topics such as:

  • Nature
  • History
  • Western European Mythology
  • Western European Folklore
  • Guides

Despite not having a singular book that is used to guide practitioners of Wicca, there are a number of books that are significant to many Wiccans. Some choose books based on the natural Earth or texts that help them feel more connected to the Goddess or God. Many of these books are of historical importance, not necessarily a foundation for Wiccan worship or magickal practice.

Below, we’ll cover four popular books among Wiccans. You can find each of these books on Amazon:

The above-mentioned books aren’t the only texts revered by Wiccans – each practitioner may have their own library of tomes that resonate with them, and they may disregard others entirely. Or they may use a private book created by their coven which is distributed among members.

To reiterate, Wicca is often incredibly personal, with each follower creating and defining their own path.

3. Many Wiccans Create Their Own Spiritual Books

While many Wiccans use the aforementioned sacred texts as a general basis for research of better understanding of the faith, most Wiccans find more significance in their own books. These books, created by practitioners themselves, are often referred to as a “Book of Shadows.”

When Wicca was first developed, it was dominated by covens. There was only one Book of Shadows for each coven, and the book was traditionally kept by the High Priest or High Priestess. Today, however, it’s common for all witches to carry their own personal copy. Gerald Gardner, who first introduced the Book of Shadows, considered it to be a book of spells, and practitioners were permitted to copy from his book and add material as they deemed fit.

With that said, not every Wiccan refers to their personal tome as the Book of Shadows – that nomenclature is more common among Gardnerian sects. Other names for these highly-personalized texts include:

  • The Tree (Seax-Wica)
  • The Book of Ways (Devotional Wicca)
  • The Book

As you can see, these types of books are used among multiple Wiccan sects, albeit in their own ways. Even solitary practitioners implement these personalized books into their practices. 

Sometimes, there are two books kept by more traditional Wiccas – one is a book for the coven that discusses rituals and practices, whereas the other is intended for personal use and varies from Wiccan to Wiccan.

The books typically contain:

  • Religious texts
  • Ritual instructions
  • Initiation rites
  • Spells
  • Inspiration
  • Experimental practices
  • Astrology
  • Herbal lore
  • Divination information
  • Journaling to track spell manifestation and growth

These books are often used in a Wiccan’s everyday life.

The Book of Shadows is not limited to Wiccan practices only – today, it is common among many pagan practices and different forms of witchcraft. Eclectic Wiccans or non-traditional witches often use the Book of Shadows as more of a journal that records rituals, spells, and their results, as well as other information that resonates with the practitioner.

4. Wiccans Follow the Wiccan Rede

Wiccans may not have a centralized text, but most do abide by the Wiccan Rede.

While not a text, per se, the Wiccan Rede is as close to a doctrinal statement that Wicca has. It’s considered more of a basic guideline for everyday life, rituals, and spellcasting.

The Rede is most commonly recited as:

“An’ ye harm none, do what ye will.”

Doreen Valiente first spoke the Wiccan RedeOpens in a new tab.

“Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An’ it harm none do what ye will.”

Other forms of the Rede are as follows:

  • “An’ it harm none, do what thou wilt.”
  • “An’ it harm none, do as thou wilt.”
  • “Than it harm none, do as thou wilt.”
  • “Do what you will, so long as it harms none.”

It’s important to note that not all Wiccans abide by this Rede. Some Gardnerian Wiccans use the Charge of the GoddessOpens in a new tab.

“Keep pure your highest ideal, strive ever towards it; let naught stop you or turn you aside, for mine is the secret door which opens upon the door of youth.”

The Charge of the Goddess is often used for moral or ethical dilemmas, whereas the Wiccan Rede is more of a guide or advice for everyday living.

Is the Wiccan Rede a Commandment?

There are many similarities between the Wiccan Rede and the Christian “Golden Rule” – however, there is much debate about whether the Wiccan Rede is a universal law, commandment, or simply a guideline.

The Wiccan Rede is not a commandment. There is no focus on consequential actions or prohibitions like in other religious texts, such as the Bible or Qur’an. The Rede is often interpreted and implemented differently among different practitioners and is considered “open to interpretation.”

Most Wiccans believe that the Rede means doing good for humankind. Others, however, believe that it encompasses all living beings, from animals to plants. 

The words “harm none” are the core of Wiccan practice. But there are many ambiguous situations that require interpretation. 

What actions do harm and which do not bring harm? Is it only intentional harm, or unintentional? Who is included in this statement? Animals? Plants? The environment? Is protecting yourself in self-defense, even if it brings harm to another person, covered?

These questions and more are precisely why the Wiccan Rede is open to interpretation.

Regardless of how you or others interpret the Wiccan Rede, the underlying basis is personal responsibility for your actions in all situations and circumstances – minimize harm to yourself, others, animals, the Earth, and the environment as much as possible.

This sense of personal responsibility separates Wicca from most organized religions. In Christianity, for example, there is often blame placed on evil, Satan, or other malevolent entities. Wicca, however, focuses on the self, encouraging others to improve themselves and avoid negatively affecting other lifeforms.

Do Wiccans Perform Black Magic?

Traditional Wiccans do not perform black magic. The Wiccan Rede is a vow of non-harm, and many Wiccans refuse to practice any magick that may affect others without consent. Wiccan magick is focused on personal goals, healing, and cleansing. Although some Wiccans perform banishing spells to block black magic, they never send dark magick into the world.

5. Rule of Three

Most Wiccans believe in the Rule of Three. This rule states that your deeds (both good and bad) will come back to you threefoldOpens in a new tab.

Aside from the moral and ethical concerns, the Rule of Three is another major reason why Wiccans do not perform black magick. As the rule says, any negativity or evil which you send out into the world will just come back to bite you in the end. So if you conduct black magick, you’ll only be hurting yourself in the end.

6. The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief

Another common work held by most Wiccans is the 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief. These principles were developed in the 1970s as a way to unify members from various Wiccan and Witchcraft factions. They were meant to serve as a unifying document, as well as a statement to counteract misinformation about Wicca and Witchcraft in the general population.

The principles cover concepts like knowledge, responsibility, non-harm, nature, relations with other religions, and magick. You can find a number of foundational principles and ideas in this document.

Ideas for Implementing the Wiccan Rede Into Your Life

Whether you’re a devoted daily practitioner or someone who infrequently dabbles in pagan practices from time to time, implementing the Rede into your life and spiritual work is one way to better yourself and begin to take personal responsibility for your actions.

Wiccans and non-Wiccans may implement the advice of the Rede by:

  • Reusing, recycling, or up-cycling to prevent waste.
  • Donating to charity.
  • Investing in solar or wind energy.
  • Planting trees, community gardens, or pollinator plants.
  • Becoming vegetarian, vegan, or reducing consumption of animal products.
  • Getting involved in animal rescue or environmental organizations.
  • Cleansing their homes of negative energies to avoid harming guests.
  • Being mindful of the words and tone used towards others.
  • Doing volunteer work in your community.
  • Take a pause before rushing to anger or blame.
  • Cleaning beaches, parks, and nature preserves.

The core of the Rede is based on thinking deeply about how your words or actions may affect others, but how you decide to implement it is entirely up to you.

Creating Your Own Book of Shadows

As discussed earlier in this article, the Book of Shadows is a sacred text used among covens and solitary practitioners alike. For eclectic witches, the Book of Shadows is used more as a personal journal of spells, rituals, and other important information that resonates with the owner.

Creating your own Book of Shadows isn’t a challenging task – any store-bought journal will do as the base in which you can write. However, many Wiccans prefer to bind their books by hand, making them more personal and, therefore, more significant to the practitioner.

The art of bookbinding is ancient – and it also takes quite a long time to complete by hand. Instead of going through the time-consuming process of traditional bookbinding, we’ve put together a much simpler “bookbinding” tutorial – although it uses a stapler as opposed to the traditional weaving with a needle and waxed thread.

Here’s what you’ll need to create your own simple 4.25 x 5.5-inch (10.8 x 13.9 cm) Book of Shadows:

  1. Separate the paper into four stacks of eight sheets each. Fold each sheet in half crosswise and use a bone folder to press the fold. Repeat with all remaining stacks of paper.
  2. Place each folded paper inside of the other to form a small booklet. Repeat with all of the folded papers – you should have four separate “signatures” (a stack of folded pages that make up four or more pages of a book).
  3. Take one signature and turn it over. The “fold” should appear like a tent, pointing upward. Flatten the sheet a bit to ensure the pages are neatly stacked.
  4. Open the stapler. Staple about an inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) from each edge, exactly on the crease.
  5. Flip the signature over. Staple again on the other side of the crease, just above or below the first staples.
  6. Repeat for all remaining signatures. These signatures will make up the pages of your book.
  7. Line up the signatures together. Secure them using a binder clip.
  8. Measure the length, height, and width of the signatures while they’re stacked together. Make a note of the length and height. For the width, write down five times the thickness. For example, if the width of your pages stacked together is ½ inch (1.27 cm), you would write 2 ½ inches (6.25 cm).
  9. Cut out a sheet of thin fabric that matches the noted dimensions. This will “bind” the signatures together.
  10. Apply glue to the “spine” of the stacked signatures. Place them in the center of the thin fabric. The fabric should not be glued to the sides of the signatures – it should look something like “wings,” gently hugging the signatures but not attached, except by the spine.
  11. Place the bound book into a book press. If you do not have a book press, you may stack several heavy books on top of the bound signatures. Allow it to dry overnight.
  12. Set the bound signatures onto a piece of stiff cardboard or chipboard. Line up the spine with one edge of the board. Trace around the signature, leaving about ¼ inch (6.35 mm) on the other three sides. Cut out the board and then repeat with another board.
  13. Place the two boards on each side of the bound signatures. Press them together and measure the combined thickness.
  14. Use a ruler to draw the dimensions onto a piece of scrap board for the spine. Cut the spine so that it covers the thickness of the boards and the paper together. It should be the same height as the boards.
  15. Place the book covers and the spine on the reverse side of your fabric, leather, or vinyl. You can use an old t-shirt or even a paper bag (although paper may make a less durable cover). Line everything up (spine and both covers) in the center, ensuring that there’s a border of at least one inch (2.54 cm) all around.
  16. Cut out the material. Double-check that it shares the dimensions of the book covers and spine one inch (leaving 2.54 cm) on each side.
  17. Smear white glue all over the boards and spine. Place the spine first, directly in the center on the wrong side of the material (i.e., the side that you won’t see once the book is completed). 
  18. Place each cover board on each side of the spine. Keep about one spine length of space between each of the cover boards and spine. Ensure that they’re all perfectly aligned and straight.
  19. Spread glue on the cover boards. Do not apply glue to the spine board.
  20. Place the bound signatures so that they are resting evenly on the spine board. Glue the loose fabric “wings” (that you made in step 10) to the cover boards, right up to the edges. Allow the fabric to dry – hold the papers up with bookends or canned foods to prevent the pages from sticking to the material.
  21. Choose a lining paper for the book. This can be cardstock, thin marbled paper, parchment paper, or any other paper that you have on hand. Decorative paper is popular. Fold the lining paper in half crosswise. It should be at least the same size as the signatures when folded.
  22. Place one side of the folded lining paper on the first page of the signature. It should line up neatly with the edge of the paper. Then, glue the other side of the liner to the inside of the cover. It should cover all of the folded material for the cover. Repeat for the back of the book. Allow it to dry overnight before using.

Once you’ve completed your very own Book of Shadows (or whatever you choose to call it), you can fill it in with whatever your heart desires – drawings of nature, ritual ideas, your very own spells, results of your practice, or just daily ramblings. As many Wiccans believe, everything is entirely up to you.

Final Thoughts

Today it’s estimated that there are over 1,000,000 Wiccans in the United States alone. Interestingly, no single sacred text unites Wiccans as it does in other religions like Christianity (Bible) and Islam (Qur’an).

The fact is that Wiccans do not need a centralized text to unite them because Wicca is highly-personalized. 

Despite the lack of a unified sacred text among all Wiccans, many practice the art of journaling, spell keeping, and record keeping with personalized books referred to as the Book of Shadows (among other names). 


Wiccan Spells for Good Luck: 12 Spells to Try

wiccan spells for good luck

Wicca is a spiritual journey like no other with strong ties to self and nature. Wiccans connect with nature and cast spells to do good for themselves and others. But are there Wiccan spells to bring about good luck? 

Here are 12 Wiccan spells to cast to draw good luck: 

  1. Offer a penny to the world.
  2. Use candles to spread positive energy.
  3. Burn incense to get rid of negative energy.
  4. Use essential oils in your diffuser for good luck.
  5. Purify your home with herbs. 
  6. Use salt to cleanse your body and home.
  7. Mint money ritual. 
  8. Lucky coin spell.
  9. Bay leaf spells for wealth and abundance.
  10. Burn a white candle coated with nutmeg.
  11. Patchouli spells for luck in love and wealth.
  12. Use cinnamon to speed up good luck spells.

Read on as I will delve into these spells and how they can increase your good luck.

1. Offer a Penny to the World

Offering a penny to the world is a spell that brings luck to self and nature. This spell also sends positive karma and is important for days when you feel down. It is also an excellent spell at the start of a new season. 

For this spell, you need a penny or a clear quartz crystal. This spell is performed outdoors and will only take a few minutes. 

Spend some time drawing positive energy into your body. If you have a clear quartz crystal, hold it in the palm of your hand as you practice breathing and feeling centered.

You can now hold the penny in the palm of your hand and fill it with your intentions. You may need good luck with your finances, career, or health. Whatever aspect of your life that needs luck, speak to it through the penny. You can also send positive energy to someone who needs the luck getting through a difficult patch. 

After speaking good karma into the penny, you can now close your eyes and say, 

I send this penny into the world.

Little penny bring me luck and fortune.

With this fortune I share,

Good karma to the unaware”. x3

Now go outdoors and leave the penny somewhere that anyone can easily find it and pick it up. That person will tap into the positive karma you have sent into the world.. 

This video shows some of the good luck spells you can use to channel positive energy to you and the universe:

2. Use Candles To Spread Positive Energy

Candles are used for various functions outside of Wicca, including relaxation, aromatherapy, and meditation. We also use candles magickally in Wicca. Candles can have different meanings, and they are classified according to their colors. 

It is also a critical tool for casting spells, including those for increased good luck. 

Candles are linked to nature because they contain all four elements. Air feeds the candle and keeps it burning. The solid wax represents the earth, wax in the fluid state is water, and the flame represents fire. 

Candle colors that provide good luck are;

  • Black: Attracts money and expels negative energy.
  • Brown: Brings healing and helps to keep you grounded when casting a spell.
  • Gold: Money and attraction.
  • Green: Money, growth, prosperity, fertility, jobs, and luck.
  • Orange: Success against a court case and restores passion in relationships.
  • Purple: Business success and power.
  • Red: Power and good luck. 
  • White: Serenity, purity, binding, and purification.
  • Yellow: Prosperity, powers of persuasion, study, self-assurance, abundance, charisma, and wisdom. 

See our companion article on candle colors in Wicca for more information.

Once you’ve selected your candle, speak your intentions to the candle, and then pass it over the smoke from incense or sage. 

You can increase the positive charge in the candle by inscribing your intention into the wax using your ritual athame. Keep charging the candle with words of what you want and your intentions behind the spell. 

Avoid using any old kitchen knife to carve into the candle. Negative energy accumulated in the knife may contaminate the positive vibes you send into the candle. However your athame will be cleansed and pure.

So, you should set aside a ritual knife specifically for your spells. 

Dress the candle with essential oil, which is inherently believed to have powers tapped from flowers and nature. You can also anoint yourself with the oil on the crown of your head. Essential oils associated with luck are orange, rose, nutmeg, and vetiver. We have an extensive reference on magical herbs, as well as an article on blessing oil.

You can now light the candle and take in the energy radiating from the candle. The good luck energy is not just filling you but your surrounding environment as well. 

If you want to learn more about the use of candles and herbs in spells, this Wicca Spellbook Starter KitOpens in a new tab.

The book will give you ideas on candles, crystals, and herbal spells you can cast for good luck.  

3. Burn Incense To Get Rid of Negative Energy

Scented incense, like sandalwood and jasmine, is great for cleansing your home and removing energy that could be responsible for bad luck. Light the incense, but remember to light an odd number of sticks, such as 1, 3, or 5. 

The number of sticks doesn’t matter, as long as it is an odd number. 

Wiccans believe that this will bring you good luck as you drive out bad luck. Waft the smoke through the entire house while speaking your intentions, as the smoke will cast off any spell or curse that is spoken against you. 

4. Use Essential Oils in Your Diffuser for Good Luck

Essential oilsOpens in a new tab.

  • Grapefruit oil for good health.
  • Orange for a safe journey.
  • Ylang Ylang for romance.
  • Lemongrass for wealth.
  • Rosemary for luck in your career.
  • Peppermint to boost your reputation.
  • Lavender to improve connections with family and loved ones. 

Add at least five drops of your preferred essential oil to 100ml (3.38 oz) of carrier oil in the diffuser. Speak your intentions to it and let it spread good fortune to your body and environment. 

The Lagunamoon 20 Pack Essential OilsOpens in a new tab.

  • Sandalwood
  • Peppermint
  • Lemongrass 
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus 

5. Purify Your Home With Herbs

Lavender, cedar, and sage are herbs that drive out bad luck and manifest good luck in the home. You can burn the herbs and move through every room, speaking your intentions as the smoke purifies the energy in your space. 

Wiccans have used herbs to remove evil in the home for thousands of years. If you have had a streak of bad luck, you can cleanse your home with these herbs while speaking your intentions for good luck and positive energy.

You may also choose to soak the herbs in water, which will connect you to nature, then add it to the water you use to clean your house. For example you can add an herbal measure to the water you use when scrubbing floors, to remove negative energy from the base of your home. Or to the spray bottle you use when wiping down counters. 

Always remember to manifest your intentions as you cleanse your house. And be sure to test a small area first to ensure the herb won’t damage your surfaces.

This Fresh Green Company Herbs KitOpens in a new tab.

6. Use Salt To Cleanse Your Body and Home

Taking a spiritual bath thrice a week will help remove negative energy from your body, and at the same time, help your body absorb positive karma. Wiccans have used salt for decades to ward off negative energy and keep themselves safe from forces that may want to harm them. 

Add a healthy dose of sea salt into the water and bathe in it. This will help remove negative energy from your body, and now you can manifest good luck to replace it. 

You can also sprinkle salt in the corners of your home to eliminate bad luck, especially near windows, doors, and thresholds.

7. Mint Money Ritual

Wiccans associate mint with wealth and often include it in spells associated with luck and prosperity. It’s green color also corresponds with money. You can use mint in multiple ways to bring positive karma into your home and life.

One way to attract money using mint is by placing fresh mint leaves in your wallet or purse. You can also rub the mint leaves in places where you keep your money while manifesting wealth into your life. Plus it will make your wallet smell fantastic.

Another way to cast a Wiccan good luck spell using mint is to collect mint leaves, a green candle, and lemongrass essential oil, which are all associated with wealth.  Rub your green candle with lemongrass oil, and then roll the candle on the mint leaves. The leaves will stick on the candle easily when it is covered in oil. 

Light the candle and speak your needs towards it. As it burns, the abundant scent will spread throughout your home and within you. 

You can sprinkle the ash of burnt mint leaves all over your home or in a spot that receives the most sunlight. The sun boosts growth, so this will be a reflection of financial growth in your life. 

You can also cast a Wiccan spell of good luck using a gold or green candle, mint, fire, and a coin. With the coin near, throw mint into a ritual fire, and then collect the ash in a bowl. Then place the candle in the bowl, and burn the candle. Finally, place the coin in your wallet while manifesting your luck towards wealth, abundance, and prosperity. 

Besides bringing wealth, mint brings travel, luck, healing, and protection. If you plant the herb to grow in or around your home, you’ll bring in more positive energy, and luck along with it.

8. Lucky Coin Spell

Get a shiny coin and sunflower oil for this good luck spell. Go outdoors to a sunny area, put the coin in your palm and check to ensure that the sun’s reflection is bouncing on it. 

The sun is associated with growth, positivity, joy, and warmth, and the coin will take in all these energies.

Put three drops of sunflower oil and rub it in with your fingers. As you rub the oil into the coin, speak warmth, prosperity, growth, and good luck into it, your life, and nature. Carry the coin with you everywhere you go as you manifest good luck into your life. 

You will notice positive energy and vibes throughout the day. 

Pass the good luck to someone else by placing the coin where it will easily be seen and possibly picked by the next recipient of the good luck. This is the energy that Wiccans thrive on, which is to spread good to the universe. 

9. Bay Leaf Spells for Wealth and Abundance

Wiccans use bay leaves in spells that target success, abundance, wealth, prosperity, and good luck. Bay leaf spells are used in different ways, depending on your desires. 

Here are a few ways to make these work for you:

  • Get a bay leaf and write your wishes. It could be the amount of money you need or your desire for wealth. You can then place the leaf in your wallet and draw positive energy from nature into your life and wallet. 
  • Write an affirmation on your bay leaf. Ensure it is something that excites you. Write your name and then apply a small amount of money oil, cinnamon oil, or grapeseed oil on the bay leaf. Hold the bay leaf over a tray using a pair of scissors or tweezers, and then burn it. 
  • Get your bay leaf and write your money and luck affirmations. In the fire-safe bowl, add coffee granules, cinnamon, and the bay leaf. The coffee and cinnamon carry good energy and will amplify your intention. Burn the bay leaf and spread the ashes around your home. You can even put some in your purse or wallet. 

10. Burn a White Candle Coated With Nutmeg

Nutmeg is one of the herbs that attract good luck, as it has persuasive energy and is closely related to Jupiter. The spells Wiccans use are associated with nature and the universe, so planets are a critical part of the spells.

In this case, Jupiter helps with growth and expansion. So, this makes cinnamon an excellent herb for good luck and prosperity spells.

Get your white candle, and inscribe your name and date of birth on it, and apply any oil you have, such as coconut oil, avocado oil, or even olive oil. The purpose is to ensure the nutmeg sticks to the candle. Light the candle and let it burn as you speak positive energy towards it. 

Alternatively, you can sprinkle nutmeg in your wallet, around your home, under your pillow, or any other place where you need luck. 

This video gives guidelines on some of the herbs and how you can use them for Wiccan good luck spells. 

11. Patchouli Spells for Luck in Love and Wealth

Patchouli has been used for centuries in rituals because of its strong attraction to love and wealth. You can use patchouli in different ways to bring luck into your life. Sprinkle patchouli in your bedroom or under your bed to attract love and passion into your life. 

Here are some other ways you can use patchouli for luck in love and wealth:

  • For money luck, rub patchouli on a green candle and then burn it. Remember to oil the candle before rubbing patchouli on it until the candle is fully covered. Collect the ashes and sprinkle them around your home or bury it in a place that gets plenty of sun for growth. You can also choose to add a strand of your hair when the candle is burning to direct the positive vibes to you. 
  • Rub orange juice on an orange candle and then rub patchouli over it. Ensure you inscribe your name and that of your partner before rubbing orange juice on it. Orange candles are believed to bring luck in love, lust, and sex, so they will bring you luck in your relationship. 
  • Boil patchouli, wait for it to cool, strain it, and then add it into your bathwater. Pour it over your body, and don’t rinse it off. Let it dry and manifest positive vibes into your body and life. 

12. Use Cinnamon To Speed Up Good Luck Spells

You can add cinnamon to any of your spells to speed energies and increase vibrations to get what you want. 

You can also burn cinnamon sticks in different rooms in your home for positive energy. If you have cinnamon powder, sprinkle a line on your front door to keep away bad luck and attract good luck. 

Another great spell that you can manifest is burning a gold candle coated with cinnamon powder. Inscribe your name and date of birth on the candle, rub some good luck oil, and then rub the cinnamon all over it. 

Light the candle and send good vibes to it. Don’t leave the candle unattended because the herbs burn.

Use Specific Ingredients

There are many ways in which Wicca spells increase good luck in your life. Some of these spells are specific, while others bring general luck. 

If you want a specific spell, it is best to use ingredients that direct positive energies to the luck you need. Once you understand how Wiccan spells work, the role of nature, and the importance of charging elements with positive vibes, you will start seeing so much luck in your life.


Wiccan Spells for Health: 10 Spells to Cast

wiccan spells for health

As Wiccans who want to live in harmony with nature, we often need to bring our bodies, minds, and spirit together in alignment. Wiccan spells for health nurture this relationship and allow us to create wellness for ourselves. Whether you want to cast healing spells for others or to heal yourself, we’ll go over 10 individual spells. These spells are great on their own, but are especially powerful when coupled with your doctor’s care and other healing modalities.

Here are the 10 spells we’ll learn how to cast for better health:

  1. Healing Moon Water
  2. Crystal Energy Wellness
  3. Overall Calming Jar
  4. Reiki-Inspired Crystal Healing
  5. Cardinal Directions and Elemental Healing
  6. Healing Salve
  7. Paws of a Cat
  8. Healing Visualization
  9. Amplified Healing Spell
  10. Pineapple Potion

We’ll dive deep into each of these spells, teaching you exactly what you need to cast them and what steps to take. However, with any healing spell, remember that it’s not a replacement for medical care — but these Wiccan spells for health may be used in tandem with professional advice. See our disclaimers for further information.

There has been an interesting recent development in the area of healing spells. Wiccans of course know the power of healing magick and spells for health. But the rest of the world is catching on! The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine conducted a randomized controlled trialOpens in a new tab.

So now there’s scientific evidence that we should never doubt the healing power of Wiccan spells for health!

1. Healing Moon Water

When you, a friend, or a loved one is ill, you can put together this healing moon water and apply it around their home, on their bed, give it to them to wash themselves, or even use it to wipe down doors, windows, or bed linens.

You’ll want to create the moon water on the night of a Full Moon to capture the moon’s energy at its peak. If you’re unable to energize the water during a Full Moon, do it on a night when the moon is in the waxing phase.

Here’s what you’ll need to create the Healing Moon Water:

  • 1-quart jar with a lid
  • 1-quart of rainwater
  • 3 or more healing crystals (i.e., carnelian, moonstone, selenite, amethyst, agate, jasper, clear quartz, hematite)

On the night of the Full or waxing moon and beneath the moonlight, perform the following steps:

  1. Fill the jar with one quart of rainwater. If rainwater isn’t available, you may use tap water, but add a tablespoon of sea salt to purify the water.
  2. Add your three or more crystals to the water. Be careful not to drop them in, as you may break the glass. Carefully lower them inside, or allow them to slide down the side of the jar.
  3. Stand and hold the jar up towards the moon. As you hold the jar to the moon, say the following, “To the Moon, I ask for your healing power. I call to you and request that [NAME] be healed of all afflictions. Comfort [HIM/HER/THEM], bless [HIM/HER/THEM], and make [HIM/HER/THEM] well again. With light and love, I send this healing magick to [NAME]. I thank you for your healing assistance, Dear Moon.”
  4. Place the jar under the moonlight. Keep the lid off and leave it outdoors until dawn.
  5. Bring the jar indoors at dawn. Remove the stones from the jar and set aside. Put the lid back on the jar and then shake it up.
  6. Sprinkle the water around the room of the home of the sufferer. You may repeat this Wiccan spell for health as often as needed and to replenish your healing moon water.

2. Crystal Energy Wellness

For this crystal energy wellness spell, you can use whichever healing crystals that you’d like or have on hand. There are multiple crystals that provide healing energy, including but not limited to:

  • Carnelian
  • Moonstone
  • Selenite
  • Agate
  • Amethyst
  • Hematite
  • Jasper
  • Clear Quartz
  • Shiva Lingam
  • Tiger’s Eye

To cast this Wiccan spell for health, you’ll need:

Here’s how to perform the Crystal Energy Wellness spell:

  1. Carve the name of the afflicted into the candle. Light the candle.
  2. Place the three or more stones into the palm of your hand. Cover the stones with your other palm.
  3. Feel the energy of the stones in your hand. You may feel tingling, vibrations, or even warmth. Envision the healing energies of these stones moving throughout your body.
  4. Imagine the sufferer encapsulated in a bright, white, healing light. The light protects them from all ailments, anxiety, and accidents.
  5. Say this incantation: “[NAME] is healthy. [NAME] is happy. [NAME] is whole. I charge these crystals with the healing power of love and light. So mote it be.”
  6. Repeat the phrase until you feel the energy of the stones resonating throughout your body. As soon as you feel this peak in energy, place the stones in a pouch.

Take the stones to the afflicted person. Tell them to keep the stones nearby.

3. Overall Calming Jar

This Wiccan spell for health is ideal for those suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, or general nervousness. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, never use spells as a substitute for medical care — only use them alongside professional medical attention. See our disclaimers for more information.

Before casting the Overall Calming Jar spell, you’ll need a healing oil. If you do not have a healing oil, you may make one quickly using the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon crushed chamomile
  • 1 teaspoon crushed apple blossom
  • 1 teaspoon crushed lemon balm
  • 4 ounces (118 mL) jojoba oil (you may also use hempseed, grapeseed, extra virgin olive oil, or fractionated coconut oil)
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3 drops eucalyptus essential oil

Create the oil using these steps:

  1. Place all of the herbs into a small saucepan.
  2. Pour the carrier oil over the herbs.
  3. Turn the heat to low.
  4. Allow the oil and herbs to warm for about an hour.
  5. Strain the oil with cheesecloth, squeezing the cloth to get every bit of oil.
  6. Pour the oil into a jar with a lid.
  7. Add the essential oils.
  8. Put the lid on and shake well.
  9. Say (while shaking the jar) this incantation: “Health, wellness, and calm, I request! May this oil offer calm and be blessed!”
  10. Repeat the phrase until you feel the oils vibrating with healing energy.
  11. Store the oil in a dark area when not in use.

Now that you have a healing oil, you can create the Overall Calming Jar. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A white tealight candle
  • Small, 8 ounce (236.5mL) jar with a lid
  • 3 dried healing herbs (i.e., lavender, lemon balm, apple blossom, comfrey, yarrow, etc.)
  • 3 drops of healing oil
  • 1 Tablespoon sea salt
  • 2 or more healing stones, cleansed and charged (see spell number two for a list)

Here’s how to create the Overall Calming Jar and cast the spell for wellness:

  1. Light the white candle. As the candle burns, add the 3 herbs (in equal amounts) to the jar.
  2. Add the healing oil to the jar. Add the salt immediately after.
  3. Put on the lid and shake the jar. As you shake the jar, say the following: “[NAME] is filled with love, light, and happiness. Positive energies flow within [HIM/HER/THEM]. [HE/SHE/THEY] is calm, focused, and full of tranquil energy. [NAME] is serene, secure, and peaceful. So mote it be!”
  4. Place both hands on the jar and hold it in front of your heart. Take deep breaths, focusing on “infusing” the jar with your healing energy as you breathe. Remain calm, peaceful, and serene. Once those feelings have intensified, place the jar on your altar.
  5. Put the healing stones on top of the jar. Imagine your healing energy going into the stones and down into the jar.
  6. Sit with the jar, meditating on calm, peaceful energy until the candle burns out. If you’re unable to sit with the candle until it burns out on its own, put it out by dipping your fingers into water and pinching it out. Relight it whenever you get the chance, repeating the spell until the candle finally burns out on its own. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

After you’ve finished charging the jar, take it to the afflicted person. Instruct them to hold the jar with two hands whenever they feel anxious, frightened, or nervous. 

4. Reiki-Inspired Crystal Healing

This Wiccan spell for health takes inspiration from Reiki, a type of Japanese healingOpens in a new tab.

You may perform this spell anytime or anywhere. 

If someone you know is feeling ill, you may cast this spell in combination with medical care. To start, gather everything that you need, including:

  • Blue or white candle
  • Crystals (amber, bloodstone, clear quartz)
  • God and Goddess statues
  • Healing moon water (from spell #1 on this list)

While you’re with the afflicted person, perform these steps:

  1. Light the candle next to the sufferer. Ensure that they’re comfortable.
  2. Place statues of the God and Goddess next to the person. This allows you to better connect with the Divine during your spell for health.
  3. Hold the crystals on the part of the body that causes pain or suffering. For example, if they’re nauseated, place a stone on their stomach. If the throat is sore, place a stone on the neck, and so on.
  4. Say the following words (while holding the stone on the affected part(s) of the body): “Goddess, God, Lord and Lady, I request your assistance with healing [NAME]. You’ve guided me. You’ve been everywhere — within my core, within the Universe. You are light. You are love. With a grateful heart and a mind that reveres, I offer my devotion. I thank you for your healing, for your blessings, for your power.”
  5. Apply the healing moon water to the affected areas. Rub in a clockwise motion.

Allow the candle to burn out on its own. Place the healing crystals into a small pouch and allow the afflicted to keep them nearby. Again, never leave a burning candle unattended.

5. Cardinal Directions and Elemental Healing

In Wicca, the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) and their directions are associated with watchtowers — but these “watchtowers” are not considered physical castle-like towers. They’re believed in as beings or guardians. Many Wiccans call upon the elemental beings for protection during circle casting, and you may also invoke the Elementals for healing as well.

To do so, here’s what you’ll need:

  • White candle
  • Loose incense blend (equal parts apple blossom, lemon balm, sandalwood, and yarrow)
  • Charcoal disc
  • Fireproof incense burner (preferably ceramic)
  1. Create your sacred space by casting a circle. If this is not part of your normal spellcasting rituals, you may begin as you normally would.
  2. Reach toward the sky and say: “God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, I reach out to you for your help in assisting [NAME] who is afflicted with [AILMENT]. [HE/SHE/THEY] need(s) your healing energy cast upon them for strength, wellness, and protection from illness. Protect [NAME] with your healing power. Guard their body and soul with your Divine strength.”
  3. Place the charcoal disc into the ceramic incense holder. Light it.
  4. Sprinkle the incense blend on top of the disc. Watch intently as the smoke rises and visualize the illness inside of the smoke.
  5. Watch the smoke dissipate. Say: “Lord and Lady, God and Goddess, remove [NAME’S] illness! Carry it off so that it may never return!”

Next, you will invoke the Elementals to further assist with healing:

  1. Face the North (Earth). Say, with conviction, “I call upon the Watchtowers of the North — I bury this illness in the Earth, and replace it with courage and strength!”
  2. Turn to face the East (Air). Speak the words, “I call upon the Watchtowers of the East, I cast this illness to the wind and request that it be replaced with health and vitality!”
  3. Face the South (Fire) and say, “I call upon the Watchtowers of the South, the illness dissipates as smoke from a fire, to be replaced with vigor!”
  4. Turn towards the West (Water). Speak, “I call upon the Watchtowers of the West, I send this illness to the rivers to be washed away and replaced with life!”
  5. Raise your hands towards the sky. Say, “Carry the illness away from [NAME] and scatter it abound, allowing it to dissipate, so that it will be no more! So mote it be!”
  6. Close your eyes and feel the energies that surround you. Imagine the illness floating away from the afflicted body — it’s carried away within a dark cloud, being blown away by the wind, broken into pieces that eventually disappear. Behind it is your loved one, happy, healthy, and whole.
  7. Shout, with conviction, “Hail to you, Goddess and God and the Elementals! I thank you for your blessings! Let your love, light, and healing power surround [NAME]! Support [HIM/HER/THEM]! Make [HIM/HER/THEM] strong!
  8. Light the candle. Next, you’ll speak to your friend in the healing spell. Say, “[NAME], I cast this spell in your honor. I request that the God, Goddess, and Elementals watch over you, protecting you with their light of love, health, and tranquility! Be embraced by this healing energy!”
  9. Imagine your friend smiling and feeling happy, healthy, and full. Before ending the spell, thank the God, Goddess, and Elementals for their help.
  10. Allow the candle to burn out on your altar. However, never leave a burning candle unattended.

6. Healing Salve

If you or someone you know is experiencing pain or weakness in certain areas of the body, you may try this healing salve on them — in combination with regular medical care. Always check with a doctor before trying any topical solution, herbal supplement, or medication. See our disclaimers for more information.

To create this salve, you’ll need:

  • 10 Ounce (296 mL) glass jar with lid
  • 1 Cup (237 mL) carrier oil (jojoba, hempseed, olive oil, fractionated coconut oil, etc.)
  • 1 Tbsp each of fresh herbs (chamomile, mugwort, lamb’s cress, nettle, apple blossom, thyme, fennel)
  • Cheesecloth
  • ¼ Cup (59 mL) melted beeswax

To create the salve, first you’ll need to infuse the oils with the herbs.

  1. Place the fresh herbs into a glass jar. Be sure to remove any sticks and stems.
  2. Cover the herbs with about a cup of oil, leaving about an inch of space on top. You may push the herbs down with a spoon if needed.
  3. Put the lid on the jar. Ensure that it’s tight.
  4. Place the jar in the sun for three to four weeks. If it rains or is cold, bring it indoors and place it on a warm windowsill.
  5. Turn the jar upside down every day. This ensures that the infused herbs blend well with the oil.
  6. Strain the oil after at least three weeks using cheesecloth. Squeeze the cheesecloth to get all of the oil out and then compost the remaining herbs.
  7. Repeat this process three times for a stronger infusion. Alternatively, you may use the current infused oil as is.

After you’ve created your infusion, you can make the salve. Simply combine the cup (237 mL) of oil with about ¼ cup (59 mL) of melted beeswax. Pour it into sterilized individual containers (with lids) and allow it to cool.

To use the salve in a healing spell:

  1. Anoint the salve container with three drops of healing oil. See spell #3 for instructions on how to make a healing oil.
  2. Wash your hands. Dip a clean finger into the salve.
  3. Apply it to the affected area. Rub in a clockwise motion.
  4. Continue rubbing. While doing so, say the following: “God and Goddess, I ask of you to bring relief to [NAME] using this blessed salve.”
  5. Repeat the phrase until the afflicted person feels some relief. You may use the salve up to three times per day.

7. Paws of a Cat

The Highland Witches of Scotland were known as “Wise Women.” These women often had a variety of remedies for different ailments, from colds and flu, to being “struck” by the “evil eye.” They would use divination methods to determine what was causing the affliction and then act accordingly.

One of the remedies used often called for the paws of a catOpens in a new tab.

Please do not use a stray cat or a cat that is averse to water for this spell. Never force a cat or any animal to stick its paws in water. If you do not have a cat to perform this spell, you may use a picture of a cat or even a piece of cat hair.

To perform this spell to get rid of and ward off sickness, you’ll need:

  • Rainwater or moon water (for moon water, see spell #1)
  • Cat, cat photograph, or cat hair
  • Red thread

Here are the steps for performing the spell:

  1. Pour the rainwater or moon water into a small glass bowl. Over the bowl of water, say, “God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, I ask you to bless this water with healing energy — allow this spell to bring about health and wellness to [NAME]. Bless [HIM/HER/THEM] with love, light, and overall vitality.”
  2. Stare into the water, imagining your friend. See them in their current state.
  3. Dip a cat’s paws into the water. If you do not have a cat that likes water, dip a photograph of a cat or drop cat hair into the water. This is symbolic of telling the cat to “hunt down” the illness and eliminate it.
  4. Say the following: “The energy of the cat hunts down the malady to remove it from [NAME]. [HE/SHE/THEM] is well and full of good health.”
  5. Thank the cats of the world and the God and Goddess. Perhaps leave treats for the stray cats in your area or leave an offering on your altar for the God and Goddess.
  6. Stick a red thread into the water. Pull it out of the water.
  7. Wrap the red thread around the wrist of the afflicted. Tie it into a knot and tell them to wear it at least until the New Moon.
  8. Cut the red thread off on the New Moon. Toss it into the wind, releasing the illness.

8. Healing Visualization

Visualization is important for all spellcasting, but it’s the basis of this Wiccan healing spell.

To cast this Healing Visualization spell, you’ll only need three items:

  • White candle
  • Myrrh or frankincense oil
  • Photograph of the sufferer

Here’s how to perform the Healing Visualization:

  1. Carve the afflicted person’s name into a white candle. Anoint the candle with three drops of myrrh or frankincense oil.
  2. Breathe deeply until you are in a state of relaxation. This may take anywhere from five minutes to half an hour — don’t rush the process.
  3. Hold the unlit candle in your hands, in front of your heart. Visualize healing energy moving from the top of your head, into your body, and through your hands, into the candle.
  4. Say the following words as you visualize the energy pulsating into the candle: “In the name of the Divine — Goddess and God — consecrate this candle. Charge this candle. Make this candle a magickal healing tool to breathe new, healthy life into [NAME].”
  5. Put the candle on top of the photograph of the sufferer. Light the candle while concentrating on the person in the photo.
  6. Say, while you concentrate on the person, the following words: “[NAME] was ill, but ill no more! This magick heals [HIM/HER/THEM] to the core! As the candle burns, my words heal, good health returns, so make it real!” Repeat the phrase three times.
  7. Allow the candle to burn out on its own. If you cannot remain with the lit candle, douse it with wet fingers and continue the spell later, allowing the candle to burn out on its own.

9. Amplified Healing Spell

This healing spell utilizes two different colored candles, a charged crystal, and “hot” essential oils to amplify the power of the spell.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Photograph of the sufferer
  • Fireproof candle plate
  • White candle
  • Purple candle
  • Cleansed and charged clear quartz
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Peppermint oil

To cast this spell for health, perform the following steps:

  1. Place the photograph of the afflicted person on the candle plate. Set the candle plate in the center of your altar.
  2. Grab the cleansed, charged clear quartz. Hold it in your hands to warm it. As you hold the quartz, envision sending healing, loving energy into the crystal.
  3. Set the crystal on top of the picture. Imagine the healing energy flowing from the quartz into the photograph.
  4. Anoint the white and purple candle with a drop of each oil. The white candle represents purity and healing. The purple candle represents the strength of your spirit, thus amplifying your power during the spell. The oils are “hot” oils, which also contribute to the power of the spell.
  5. Set up the candles on opposite sides of the photograph. Light them.
  6. Close your eyes and visualize the candles forming a protective barrier around the person in the photograph. The warmth of the flames is creating a white, healing light, transforming any negative energies into positive, healing power.
  7. Open your eyes and watch as the reflection of the flames bounces off of the quartz. Imagine the light flowing from the quartz and into the photograph. They’re now healthy and filled with energy and overall wellness.
  8. Speak aloud the following incantation: “With this spell, I send love, light, and healing energy to [NAME]. Send this energy and protection to [NAME] at the speed of light. This magickal energy and vitality cleanses all of their illness and brings about an overall sense of goodness and well-being. So mote it be!”
  9. Let the candles burn out on their own. If you cannot sit with the candle until it burns out, snuff it out with wet fingers and burn them outdoors at least five miles from your home.

During this spell, you may also direct your energy to heal a specific ailmentOpens in a new tab.

11. Pineapple Potion

To fight off a cold, flu, or another virus, try this Pineapple Potion. This is especially useful if the ailment is accompanied by a cough or congestion, or pain due to inflammation.

This Pineapple Potion not only utilizes magick, but also a bit of proven science. In fact, many Wiccans and witches believe that magickal energy has scientific relevance; we’re just waiting for science to prove it.

Pineapple juice is the only major dietary source of bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory propertiesOpens in a new tab.

Before trying this potion, however, check with your doctor to make sure it’s a remedy that’s safe to try, especially if you’re currently taking medication. See our disclaimers for further information.

To mix up one batch of this potion, you’ll need:

  • 1 cup (237 mL) fresh pineapple juice
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger
  • A few leaves of fresh lemon balm
  • A few leaves of peppermint or spearmint
  • 1 Tablespoon raw honey
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (black pepper may be used as a substitute)
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt

Make the potion using these directions:

  1. Heat up the pineapple juice on the stove. Use low heat and do not allow it to boil.
  2. Add the chopped ginger, lemon balm, and mint. Allow the mixture to steep for about five to ten minutes on low heat.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat. Add honey, cayenne, and sea salt.
  4. Stir well. Allow the honey to melt completely.
  5. Strain the mixture over a glass with a lid. Squeeze out the excess liquid to get it all.

Drink ¼ cup (59 mL) up to three times per day. The recipe makes about four servings. Do not offer this Pineapple Potion to children under one year old, as raw honey is dangerous for infants.

Things To Keep in Mind Before Performing Healing Magick

It’s completely human to want to help others when they’re hurt or bothered by some ailment or another — however, not everyone wants to be helped when they’re injured or ill. In severe cases, such as the terminally ill, these people may be ready to pass into the Spirit World and may not want assistance at all. This is why it’s important to ask permission before performing any healing spell or ritual.

Additionally, magick should never be used as a replacement for medical care. This is potentially dangerous. Magick should only be used alongside medical care to provide general assistance and help ease any discomfort and pain. Therefore, always seek medical care before seeking out healing rituals.
